
Showing posts from December, 2012

Another year, almost gone...

But I seem to stay busy.  All day, every day.  Obviously that cannot be true, but it certainly seems that way most of the time.  ABall is still working at Wachter, though only a 2.5% raise this year.  We couldn't really expect a 200% raise like last year, but 2.5% is definitely lackluster.  He would like to stay local, and also make more money.  I've suggested he get a blessing, fast and pray about it, but I'm not sure if he's doing either.  Maybe he can work it out on his own somehow- we will see one way or another I guess. Dball is in 6th grade and trying to find ways to avoid actually homeschooling most of the time.  He seems to have adopted the theory that if he stays quiet and sweet, I might not notice.  Unfortunately, with the busy 2 year old sister around, it works sometimes.  I'm excited about the new Math and Science for this coming semester though- and the Science is on CD as well, so there should be no excuse!  Kupc...