"Be sure you lay around the house a lot"
I'm pretty sure that's what my OB said yesterday afternoon. Hubs heard it too- you can't make this stuff up. I'm delighted that there's been no spotting for quite a few weeks now. The ultrasound last week was comforting and a huge relief- both the UAMS RN and the Fayetteville geneticist said everything looked great and they hadn't seen anything unusual or to be concerned about. I had actually asked the tech during the ultrasound if there looked like a normal amount of amniotic fluid in there. She said looked normal to her, and none of the medical professionals who were involved with it noticed anything out of the ordinary. So Aball and I went to to see the OB yesterday. He didn't check the cerclage "because [I'd] just had an ultrasound last week" (I STILL think manipulating my cervix every visit is a BAD idea??) but said I will start coming every 2 weeks now because of my condition. Then he told us that the UAMS Dr. was concerned about th...