18.5 weeks now

and everything seems to be going well. Dball played at Celeste's yesterday while B & I went to the Dr. He checked the cerclage and declared it sound (yay) and found Niblet's heartbeat really quickly. I haven't felt Nib moving as much lately, so that was reassuring. My blood pressure was normal, and I think it showed maybe a 2lb weight gain (for the entire pregnancy thus far). I haven't had any spotting at all for like 2 weeks now.

I asked about playing in the above-ground pool in our backyard. After much consideration, Dr. finally consented that if B or another adult were there to supervise entering and exiting the pool (via 3-step ladder) that I could, occasionally, get in our pool. But if I get dizzy or anything on the ladder on the way in, I am to go back down the ladder and go put my feet up somewhere. He theorized that if I lived in a home with stairs (I don't) I could probably walk up/down them a little during the day, though that's not the same as a ladder. He dislikes the idea of any pregnant woman getting onto a ladder, but particularly one in my condition is concerning.

So I'm guessing yesterday might've been a little too much activity for me? I'm completely exhausted somehow. We went to the W's to visit and play a little after 2pm, left D there and went to the Dr. Then we all came home and ate dinner. After that we went to WM which took a while, but I stayed on the elec cart the whole time. Don't know if that's my problem or not. Either way I need a nap already.

In two weeks we get out level 2 teleconference ultrasound. Hoping the baby is healthy and fine, and that they can determine gender. I'm pretty sure it's another boy, but I'm going to keep calling her Kenzie until proven otherwise. =) I won't be horribly disappointed when the child shows up as John Whittaker.... it would be just be nice to try the pink kind.

Oh- in retrospect I cleaned the kitchen, made dinner, hung up colored clothes, cleaned my toilet and folded (and put away) a load of white clothes yesterday as well. Maybe I did a little more than I originally thought....

Alright I'm too tired to do this. Wonder if D will mind playing legos while I go to sleep for a little bit ;o)


Lynnette said…
That is so awesome that you've only had a 2 lb weight gain...I know from experience that is some concern! Very proud of you!

AND TAKE IT EASY!!!!! It seems you like to push it! Listen to your Dr. and your body!!!

Love ya!!!
tnunley said…
Good to hear that you are doing well! I was sure I was having a boy... so I called my little wiggler Evan until I had my ultrasound... Now it's Fiona this, and Fiona that! lol Take care!

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