It's a GIRL!

I just like to say that- I'm so surprised that the tech actually said it was a girl, I'm not sure I'll believe it until I actually see her with my own eyes live and in person. Fortunately (I suppose) one of the bedrooms (and only one?) came with light pink carpet- so that will be Kenzie's bedroom. My precious sisters-in-law are forwarding clothes from first Sarah to Nicole (who is due in a couple weeks I think?), then to ME when Nic & Mike's Zofia outgrows them. Also Angel graciously offered me her girl clothes- so hopefully I won't have to buy a WHOLE lot of items early on.

I do need a co-sleeper, but we're planning to look on Craigslist a little closer to delivery. Also there's a huge consignment sale here (Rhea Lana's) next month so we will definitely check there as well. We also need a crib, but will use the dresser instead of a changing table. I'm planning to get free carseats from the police station, and I think I still have all the parts to my high chair. Gracious Celeste says I can use all of her baby equipment including baby bath and such. I may need a jogging stroller still, but we'll see.

I apparently have an appointment with my OB next week (I'm fairly certain I knew nothing about it until the office called to reschedule) but I'm sure he will continue to keep me on modified bedrest. Maybe when it cools off (like in October??) I can start at least walking around the block occasionally. I'm a little concerned about getting the child out with no muscle tone or anything. Sounds uncomfortable and like it might make for a long recovery.
My Bryson was off work Sunday through yesterday- and I keep feeling like today is Monday. This past Monday was his scheduled day off, and he ended up taking Tues-Weds off so Dball could have some friends over to celebrate his birthday. He only had 3 friends over, because he wanted to play 4-player wii games and was afraid if more than 4 people were here that someone would be/feel left out.
The boys all showed up around 6pm, and they had Eureka pizza. We sang Happy Birthday and blew candles out on the "big ice cream cake" that I made, but then the boys decorated their own ice cream cupcakes and ate them. After that they swam for an hour or two. THEN they came in and got their pajamas on and opened presents. Then the games commenced. I left Bryson in charge of that and fell asleep around 11-12am.... When I woke up at 3:30 they were STILL OUT THERE playing wii tournaments! Needless to say, I'm fairly certain none but Peyton got to sleep before 4:00am.
I thought they wouldn't have time to make their own bouncy balls the next morning before everyone's parents retrieved them- but they managed to eat pancakes and bacon, plus make their own bouncy balls.
My Aball had to go back to work today, but then he works Friday and will be home Saturday and Sunday. He needed Saturday off to go to Coleman's paint ball Birthday party- which we're hoping Dball will participate in. Our first soccer game may also be that day- though I haven't heard yet.

Alright I might be all outta news now. In what I consider to be an heroic effort, I did manage to get next month's schedule & food calendar completed and printed off yesterday. Also finished this month's food calendar and printed it out as well, so now I can just look on the fridge for what I need to make for dinner every night. I'm kinda proud- I haven't worried with it since I got pregnant and had all these issues.


Laurie HIMCR said…
WOOHOO!! It's a GIRL!!!! Congrats! I hope you are able to be more mobile soon!! Sounds like you will be very prepared win the little girl gets here!
Josh said…
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