Still preggo

On Saturday we were officially 16 weeks pregnant. I'm increasingly optimistic as I've got the cerclage in holding my cervix shut, and I've never miscarried this late before. My Dr. seems absolutely unconcerned, which is a bit disconcerting at times. (not sure why?)

Mom was here for several days last week. She, B, D and I all went to Dball's Pulmonology appointment last Tuesday. Dr. Menendez says we can reduce his Pulmicort by half for 6 weeks, then go in for a pulmonary function test. If his numbers are still high, we can stop it altogether, then at 6 weeks go in for pulmonary function again. If his numbers remain high, he can start lowering his albuterol that he uses before exercise. As Fall will be quickly approaching, I'm hoping he will be okay. Soccer will start soon, and then basketball. Since he has exercise- and allergy-induced asthma, we may not be able to lower the albuterol at that time.

Then B took D home and Mom and I went to my surgery follow-up with my OB. He checked the cerclage and said it felt great, but said I still couldn't exercise much or do anything at all strenuous. I cannot walk up many stairs or inclines, lift anything heavier than milk, walk even one block, or climb up the ladder to our pool in the backyard. He did, after some consideration, say I could go to in-ground pools if I didn't actually "swim" (instead I can float!) and didn't get in and out very many times. So there ya' go. If I start cramping or aching or get tired, I'm to stop whatever I'm doing and put my feet up.

The next day we did indeed go to the Aquatic Center, and after 2-3 hours I was exhausted and my back was killing me. I think it was good for me though? I still have spotting from the subchorionic hemorrhage, which Dr. seems to think will eventually clear up and go away.

I can feel the baby moving fairly regularly now, though I reckon by 20 weeks or so I will feel her more often. Aball thinks he felt her moving last night, but she actually stops moving when he puts his hand on my stomach. =) Dball, while still in utero, did the same thing back in the day. Dball did NOT, however, settle down when my stomach was up against Aball's back during the night. He just kicked him. =) I thought it was pretty funny, since the child was kicking me all day and night. mwahahahahahaha

Dball is currently copying his paragraph (in cursive) for Language Arts. It is taking MUCH longer than anyone would've hoped, but as the year progresses I hope it will become much easier and faster for him. I especially hope he will complain less about it as he gets more used to having to do it. He's currently singing, "Carry me banana.... daylight come...." while he copies his paragraph.

Today I have labwork scheduled for the "quad screen" and something about cystic fibrosis risks for the baby. I don't see the Dr. again until I think August 3. I have my 20-week level 2 ultrasound via teleconference with UAMS on August 17. Hopefully the baby will be appropriately positioned so we can determine gender. I had a nightmare that when it came time to deliver the baby, there were two of them. They kept insisting that one was "hiding" behind the other. I kept insisting that I had more than 10 ultrasounds during this pregnancy, and that other baby clearly could not be mine and they needed to return it to whomever they stole it from. =) I have been known to have dreams that "come true", but I'm not terribly concerned about this one since I have MANY BIZARRE dreams during pregnancy and I chalk this up to that phenomenon.

Ahhh, the child finished his copy work. He feels his cursive is so bad that no one else could read it. So he made me read it out loud (it did take a bit of effort on my part) to try and prove his point. I reassured him that doing this every week will improve his writing as well as the time it takes to write in cursive. He remains skeptical.


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