Finally Friday

This week has dragged on so, I never thought it would end.

Kupcake slept through the night for a few nights, then Tues & Weds nights she got up around 4am, got in bed with me, and never went back to sleep for real as near as I can tell.  I have been tired and cranky! Of course she has too, but my crankiness is harder on everyone than her's is. 

Last night she slept in her bed til 5:30am, got in my bed, and stayed asleep until just after 9am.  THANK YOU. 

Kupcake took us on a walk in the stroller this morning, and fabulous DBall mowed the front yard.  He doesn't feel he should have to weed-eat or edge.  And, furthermore, he feels he should wait until tomorrow (and cross his fingers that it rains all day) to mow the back yard.

For several weeks there it was looking like the 11 y/o Scouts wouldn't be able to go to Scout Camp this year, because they made it a combined Aaronic Priesthood activity and you have to be 12 to get the Priesthood. :(  We were sad.  Bryson found out last night that the 11 y/o Scouts WILL be able to attend- just their fathers have to be with them on all High Adventure activities and the entire time they're at camp.  YAY!!! SO EXCITED!  Dball isn't so excited yet- but the zip-line, horseback riding and climbing (and swimming!) sound FAB to me.  I think he'll love it.  So mid-June Kupcake and I will . . . . . . . ? ? ?  No idea!  But It'll just be me and her for almost a whole week?!


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