The "roll store"

My precious 2 year old thinks that whatever she needs, can be purchased at a store specific to that item.  She refers to the "ice cream store", the "cookie store" and the "chocolate milk store".

Most of these places are either the local grocery store, walmart or Braum's.  Nevertheless, she persists in asking if we can go to the "whatever she's hungry for" store most days.

I used to make bread for my family on a fairly regular basis, seems like.  It's been a while though.  But today Kupcake came and asked when we could go to the "roll store".  For rolls? I asked her.  Yep, the soft bread kind (I think Caillou was making bread on her show).  So I told her we weren't going to the store- but I would make her some, and she could help.

And  help she did.  She left halfway through the mixing up process, but came back for the part where you shape into rolls and loaves.  She make a couple rolls for me, then started eating the third roll she was forming.  The raw dough.  Was FURIOUS when I suggested that her stomach was going to hurt if she ate too much and it started to rise inside her.

 Now that it's all done baking, she seems to like it.  Hoping she doesn't ask to go to the "roll store" again today though.

Earlier this month, Dball brought home a box turtle they picked up on their way home from Scout Camp.  I call it "critter", he calls it "torterra".

When we were in the backyard last week, I noticed some debris (??) hanging out of our apricot tree.  Was actually wondering if the littlest Kupcake somehow stuffed it up there.  Turns out it's a robin's nest, and they just weren't to precise with their building efforts.  But they did place some beautiful blue eggs there:


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