It has been a long day....

This morning Celeste and I taught a home-school Science class. Well,we did the experiments/labs anyway. I did the Bee Books and Celeste's group made the ant farm. I was under the impression that everyone would've read the lesson beforehand,and shown up with their supplies (like ANTS) on time for the activities. I must've been mistaken- at least it didn't go that way. I found that somewhat stressful and my "smile and raise my eyebrows" technique didn't exactly work for me. I think we'll organize a little better next time, and make sure the only parents actually participating in the activity are the volunteers that I've requested. I don't handle all the parents thinking they need to be in charge all at the same time very well.

So my head hurt to begin with- but I came home and ate and napped and it was somewhat better. DBall didn't do any school work today besides the Science this morning, but that's okay.

Tonight is our ward Primary Fall Festival. All the kids are playing games, and the teachers are "hosting" games. I would be one of those hosts! Also each teacher is supposed to bring a dozen cupcakes. So I decided to make "brownie cupcakes" (that would be brownie batter cooked in cupcake liners, lol) with Texas Sheet Cake icing. I felt obligated to taste a mini mini brownie cupcake, since I've never made them with Texas Sheet Cake icing before. I almost put myself in a coma- and now my head is pounding again. Not so sure it was worth it. But they're darn tasty, if I do say so myself (I do). I figure if no one else likes/takes one, I will bring them home. I know B & D will sacrifice themselves and eat them so my feelings won't be hurt. ;o) I love my family!


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