I guess it's been a while...

But I sorta feel like I have nothing new to say. I have some complaints, about being tired and sore and wishing I could exercise- but even I get tired of hearing those. =)

I have to see the OB every 2 weeks now, which is a major pain, but I suppose he's trying to make sure we get the child here this time. He insists on checking the cerclage every time- unless I've had an u/s in the past week or been to the hospital and been checked. Ashley Deed (my OB while pregnant w Dball) never checked it manually- she said it was in there and we should leave it alone. My cervix does not like to be manipulated. I have been informed that most people cannot feel their cervix, a very small percentage have any feeling at all even when it's been messed with all the time. I am, of course, in said small percentage. So inaddition to ebing sore from laying around all day (per his orders) and Kenzie growing a the appropriate rate, every two weeks (at least) my cervix feels sore and bruised. Please, please, PLEASE let us get this child here safely and then I can have a hysterectomy and be done with it. Just please.

So I started having really strong lower back pain week before last, as well as menstrual like cramping int he front and down into my thighs. I went to the hospital even though I didn't think I was having contractions just to make sure. I was not having contractions and they will not give me any pain meds. It's SO BIZARRE- I'm not young after all, and I've always had darvocet for migraines and such. My fruit loop of a Dr thinks it would be abd for the baby (wasn't bad for D. or Logan- but magically somehow it will be for Kenzie) and instead he has referred me for pelvic physical therapy. I haven't called them back yet, and I happen to have quite a bit of left over darvocet from the cerclage. I may call them. But I may not.

D wants to be a ninja for Halloween. I think my old witch costume will fit me since the skirt is HUGE- I'll just have to find something to wear on top. We got a tshirt that came with a bandana thing to be pirates last year on clearance after Halloween- maybe B will wear it. He might not- he's not big on Halloween. D's didn't come with the bandana (to wear over the bottom half of your face to complete the pirate look) and mine won't fit over Kenzingten.

We're going to Tulsa on October 15 for our 3D ultrasound. We will have it on DVD, still digital photos on CD, and it will stream live for 2 months from their website. They charge $50 less than my OB's office. When I asked if they could match the price, their "office manager" Nancy gave me some long, drawn out spiel about how it would affect ALL of the Dr's there, not just my Dr and she could NEVER agree to such a thing. SERIOUSLY!? I have to have a 2D u/s there the Monday prior anyway to check up on the amniotic fluid. IT'S THE SELF-SAME MACHINE that they do the 3D u/s on, they just fli8p a switch. She said for that price I could get the 3D with the CD, but NO DVD- even though there's a slot for the DVDR and they could just pop it in there (I can even bring my own DVD!!!) and record it while it's going on. She was alarmed at the idea and said there was no way she could agree to that even though my OB said it would be fine- because it would affect the other Dr's as well. So I clarified: You would rather I drive to Tulsa, and give them my $150- then allow me to pay you $150 for the same thing even though you're having to do the follow-up u/s that day anyway? Yes, she said that was my best option. You know those Dr's are hurting for that extra $50 that doesn't involve them in any way, shape or form. It's so lame I can hardly stand it.

I still need to order the rest of the material for Kenzie's crib quilt, the panel is HUGE and I will only need like a 7" band of the blue material around the panel. I'm thinking I'll put minky on the backside. I'm not sure what to do for curtains, though I do like the idea of toille if I can find one I like that cooordinates. The carpet in her room is pink, the walls will be white bead board on the bottom, and light sagey green on top. I'll post a picture of my 9 y/o with the quit panel here in a minute. It's really large. Also a picture I made in "paint" of what I think the finished quilt will look like.
My ABall is at work as usual today. He's been working fairly long hours. He was supposed to be off last Saturday but of course they needed him and he had to go in. Since we had to bring snacks for D's soccer game they finally agreed to let him deliver our route (which includes the soccer fields) so he could bring the snacks down to the field for me. I, being on bed rest, obviously CAN NOT carry ice chests and such down to the fields. They took next week's day off as well, so getting anything done around here is extremely slow. I feel bad that he ahs SO MUCH to do on his days off- ebcause they won't let him HAVE any days off. We've got to paint D's new room and move his stuff into it, paint both bathrooms, move the guestroom stuff to D's old room so we can paint Kenzie's new room, then move what furniture around that needs moving. I can do NONE of that, and D obviously cannot either. In addition to all of that which needs doing, he's trying to keep the yard mowed but it's pretty slow going as both lawn mowers and the weed-eater are having serious mechanical issues this year. Also it's often almost dark by the time he gets home from work now, so he can only do it in bits and pieces.

Alright I'm sore from sitting here... gonna go read some more. I did take some chicken out for dinner (chicken quesadillas? chicken burritos? chicken tacos? It's MEXICAN night here!).


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