Sitting on my labor ball.....

we'll see how long this lasts. I've had pelvic physical therapy twice a week for the last couple weeks for symphysis pubis dysfunction, I'm not certain if it's helping? She gave me a cool girdle/belt thing that definitely helps though.

Saw the OB last week. He keeps saying "34 weeks is the milestone" (what milestone is it? what does that mean?) but he hopes to keep the cerclage in until 36 weeks. Now that I've come to terms with the child possibly being born on Christmas Eve or Christmas Day (everyone kept telling me it was a bad idea, etc., etc.) I'm terrified she won't stay in until December 1. I have strong and sometimes painful contractions every day now, but timing them last night I didn't have more than 4/hour. The info sheet the OB gave me said it wasn't a problem unless it went beyond 4/hour that I couldn't get to stop by resting and drinking fluids.

Another less important reason for my inner ballerina to stay inside: I don't want her to have my (yellow! THE HORROR!) birthstone. I dislike it immensely. Obviously, I'm more concerned about her health than her birthstone though.

Couldn't sit here much longer but now I'm back. My Aball came home for lunch (I LOVE it when he does a route close enough to stop in for lunch!) and then I had physical therapy. She just massaged my back (again) today, and said I don't have to do the exercises since I'm having more contractions and we want to keep the tiny dancer inside. She also canceled Thursday appointment, which I was thinking would be a good idea especially since B and I are getting massages on Friday for our anniversary. We're also going to lunch at Ella's, then see the new Harry Potter movie- yeeehaaaw! Amazing Celeste is keeping Dball most of the day for us Friday. 2 prenatal massages in 3 weeks- I am grateful and excited!

So Dball and I are both running a low-grade fever and have head colds. I'm not loving it. He's currently lying on his bed, watching "Herbie the Love Bug", drinking peach herbal tea. He's taken emercen-C, vitamin D and B12. Fingers crossed- I cannot afford to get sick!


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