She oughta wake up now for sure....

Kupcake has been asleep for two hours. I figured if I sat down to blog, she's wake up for sure. Expecting to hear her any minute now. :)

We made it through another Christmas- with Kupcake! We didn't get the outside of the house decorated, ostensibly because Miss K required constant supervision. On B's day off I generally went to the chiro, caught up on grocery and Christmas shopping, etc. Next year we WILL do better.

Christmas wasn't as "bad" as I thought it would be this year. When B lost his job in the Summer, I was concerned. I remain fairly concerned (hence the continuing weekly chiro visits) but he has been working a temp-perm position with Wachter for 3 months now. Hopefully tomorrow they'll do huis evaluation and make him a permanent employee. If not, I'll need additional visits to the chiro every week. If he becomes permanent at this job he will make about half what he made through the postal service, but they will provide and pay for insurance so that will be FABULOUS. Currently B and I do not enjoy insurance, and are reluctant to go to the Dr. for anything since it would all be out of pocket. The children do maintain health insurance through ARKids, for which I thank God often.

Fortunately a couple years ago I finally decided that we should "do" Birthdays up BIG for each member of the family. It is a day solely about them- from sun up til bedtime. I've worked pretty diligently to make sure each person feels special on their day. And Christmas should be about Christ. So we only gift one gift from each person within our family. So B got 3 gifts, D got 3 gifts, etc. And Santa complied and only brings one big gift for each person plus stockings. That was a blessing when we had SO MUCH less income this year.

Alright my Kuppycake is awake- at least I got a start!


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