A Whole New Year

I've spent the last couple months trying to get my hormones balanced.  I don't think I'll be able to lose the rest of this weight, or do the 10 million things I need to do, if I can't get the androgens down, the estrogen un-dominant and the progesterone up.  I realize un-dominant is not a word, I just don't know what goes there.

When I get those settled, I need to work on my thyroid.  I'm taking a huge amount of synthroid every day, and it seems like there should be a better way.  I'm hoping to find it.  I'm dying to get back to water jogging.

In the last week or so, since Christmas (which was FABULOUS, even with just the 4 of us) several hopefully-income-generating opportunities have just been handed to us.  I've prayed and thought and prayed about them, and still feel positive about them, so we're going to do it.  Aball will continue to work of course, mostly I will be pursuing the other opportunities.  It's nice to feel so potimistic- all the time. :)

Dball will be doing "Easy Peasy Homeschool" starting next week.  We're still going to finish the 4th installment of Story of the World (History) because we both enjoy it, but the lovely woman who set up EP seems to have a pretty full curriculum lined out for the whole 7th grade year.  FABULOUS!

I did throw away many of the kid's toys several months ago.  The rest of their toys I have containers for, and tried to separate them into their own bins, and put them "away" and just get them down when specifically requested.  The plan was to pack them back up and return them to their allotted shelf when finished, or before getting another set of toys down.  That part hasn't gone so well.  But I shall start again, and make sure I include Dball in the planning, so that Kupcake doesn't convince him to get her blocks, dress-up stuff, paints and colors down all at the same time. 

Not next week, but Jan 15th we will be going back down to Children's for Dball's EE/allergies, and hopefully will determine what all else he's allergic to, so we can get him off the inhaled steroid every day.  His finger broke out with the dyshidrotic eczema again recently (we're both blessed with that), and I tried a helichrysum hydrosol on it, then a lotion bar I made with essential oils, and it was 50% better over night! HALLELUJAH because the last really bad outbreak he had to take an antibiotic and a steroid to clear it up. 

My littlest Kupcake will be 3 in 2 days- unbelievable!  She is a firecracker.  Smarter than her poor old mother, and very sweet, fun, BUSY and helpful.  She's going to be a Sunbeam (at Church) this year, and I think she's excited about it.  Dball is in Young Men's now, and passes the sacrament and acts like a teenage boy :).  I do love them!!

I am thankful for this past year, and feeling very optimistic about this new one.  If we can continue to clean out all our junk, keep our family as a priority and work hard to live simply and joyfully- having gratitude for the many blessings that we take for granted; I think it will be a fabulous year!


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