Cold and blustery 21 January 2014

My sweetest Kupcake seems to be growing up a little more every day.  I'm guessing she could've gone without pull ups at night before now, but I was afraid she'd wet.  Sunday night we talked about how her good (favorite) friend Ava sleeps in panties.  She was leary to try it, but has woken dry for the second morning in a row.  There, now I've jinxed it.
Saturday, Sunday and yesterday it was 60° or more, and today it is 16° (feels like 0°, my weather app says).  The weather is crazy this whole week.  Just hoping we don't get pneumonia, really.
We had some fun family pictures taken in November.  I had one printed huge (20"x30") but when I looked into framing it, it was going to cost WAY TOO MUCH.   Fortunately, either by some fluke or divine intervention, Bryson won a picture frame that fits and matches a few months ago.  I am so grateful!
My as yet  unimplemented plan is to have "circle time" (I don't think that's the word I want to use, but can't figure out what to call it instead) every school morning.  I want to say the pledge of allegiance, sing a Primary song or two, and recite our Articles of Faith (one per week maybe?).  Dball has been eating breakfast for almost an hour, but here shortly I think we will start.


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