I wrote a longish drawn out post the other day, earlier this week, and evidently I didn't ever post it. Can't imagine where it went? Tomorrow is surgery and now I'm sort of nervous. We met w/the surgeon on Tuesday. I have the book he gives all his patients, that described in some detail the procedures, the diet plan for: the week before, the day before, while in the hospital, the day after surgery, the second day after surgery, the next two weeks, then the 3 months after that (no kidding). In said booklet it informed that the week prior to surgery I would need to cut out most simple carbs and sugars, and strive for lean high protein (no carbonated drinks,no caffeinated drinks, etc....). So that's what I was expecting him to reiterate the week prior to surgery. He didn't. He said he recently found that a mostly high protein liquid diet the week prior to surgery was more helpful; cut some of the fat from the liver for easier access, makes the stomach and intest...