I can't find it...

I wrote a longish drawn out post the other day, earlier this week, and evidently I didn't ever post it. Can't imagine where it went?
Tomorrow is surgery and now I'm sort of nervous.
We met w/the surgeon on Tuesday. I have the book he gives all his patients, that described in some detail the procedures, the diet plan for: the week before, the day before, while in the hospital, the day after surgery, the second day after surgery, the next two weeks, then the 3 months after that (no kidding). In said booklet it informed that the week prior to surgery I would need to cut out most simple carbs and sugars, and strive for lean high protein (no carbonated drinks,no caffeinated drinks, etc....). So that's what I was expecting him to reiterate the week prior to surgery. He didn't. He said he recently found that a mostly high protein liquid diet the week prior to surgery was more helpful; cut some of the fat from the liver for easier access, makes the stomach and intestines easier to handle. That was Tuesday afternoon, of all things.
Probably no one knows this, but I dislike change. If there's a "plan", I think we should stick with it. I'm not the most spontaneous person you ever met. I realize these things,but evidently he did not.
So this past 5 days or so I've been drinking max pro (or some such thing) with 30 gr protein per 6 oz glass (lucky you mix with water instead of milk). I was allowed one small solid meal a day, like lean quisine or weight watchers. I've been HUNGRY- seriously. Though, I'm uncertain whether I was actually honestly hungry,or just my brain thought I should be hungry due to a lack of solid food? My stomach was growling regularly though, so I'm sort of leaning toward actual hunger? Also I was really friendly.... (not).
Hmmm... that couldn't be any more boring, but that's allI got for now. I'm really enjoying the broth- but not so much the mag citrate. See ya on the flip side!


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