Perhaps a little behind again....

But I've definitely done worse, in the recent past. While DBall is doing his silent reading, I shall endeavor to update a little.

I had my big Boutique Show last weekend and sold exactly 4 items. I'm so broke now I may never recover, and I'm not impressed with the situation. Obviously I will get through this, but I'm out over $200 over the whole experience. I feel it was completely due to the placement of my booth- whereas during the Spring Show I had great placement. Pretty much ANYWHERE ELSE IN THE ROOM would have worked out for me except where I was. I'm just sayin'.

Yesterday was my 1 year "re-birthday" of my new life after RNY Gastric Bypass. What an AMAZING difference a year can make! I really wasn't sure if I was gonna live through it the two weeks after surgery. I actually might not have if Celeste hadn't been around to take care of me and my family- God bless her. She visited me in the hospital several times, brought food for days and had to literally drag me out of the bed and the house to drive around town looking for liquid protein I could tolerate. (I still can't deal with "milky" protein drinks- I am SO over it). But I'm 115 lbs lighter and SO THANKFUL every day that I had the surgery. I see overweight people on the street (in the store, at Silver Dollar City, in restaurants) and want to hand out Dr. Roller's business cards. His seminar literally changed my life- and with all the health issues I was having then, who knows if I'd even be alive now if I hadn't had the surgery. People who are overweight OWE IT TO THEMSELVES to attend one of his seminars. The statistics are alarming of people who actually die from obesity. Obviously their death certificates don't read "died from being too fat"- but the list of co-morbidities caused by obesity are staggering. I am no longer diabetic, hypertensive, nor have GERD, Irritable Bowel Syndrome or sleep apnea. I've eliminated high blood pressure meds, IBS meds, diabetic meds and shots, and my handy CPap from my life altogether. HALLELUJAH. I have more weight to lose- and now that I've gone back to synthroid (instead of armour) I'm thinking I can DO IT! The last 5 months or so I've been exhausted- like taking an hour nap every afternoon if I sat still for too long. It's been dreadful- but I'm hoping to make up for it now. =)

Last week we didn't homeschool at all because I was getting ready for the sorry boutique show. This week we're back into it. Once more I'm overwhlemed with gratitude, peace and relief that I'm able to stay at home and teach my DBall myself. His personality has reverted to the original sweet, curious, bright, thoughtful, pleasant child he had always been until 2007-2009. I don't know what happened, but obviously it happened at his elementary school and I'm absolutely traumatized that I left him there for as long as I did. He would never complain, and his teachers were delightful- I have no complaints about the way the handled their classrooms or taught my son. I was there every week (or close to it) and was the Room Mom. Due to observations of my friends, I believe it was bullying by older kids at recess, and one Hispanic girl (EMI) in particular who was not older is a known mean little bully. I heard she used to periodically run by and slap him on the head- which is completely unacceptable to me. He *appeared to* want to cry (I heard), but held it in so the others wouldn't make fun of him, and so she wouldn't be encouraged to abuse him more. When reports were made to teachers, apparently they responded "no tattling" or similar, and went back to talking amongst themselves. The older kids who were out during their recess (at the end of their own recess) cheated horribly at group games, and no one was around to monitor it. Since my child is somewhat OCD, he likes rules and expects people to follow them. When the bigger bully kids "took all the good balls" and kept them from the younger classes, and changed the bases when the younger kids tried to join in- he was frustrated and disappointed (obviously with good reason). MY POOR CHILD- it makes me SO SAD inside. I know it doesn't sound like a big deal. But for him not to be able to trust the teachers, his peers, or pretty much anyone else to do their jobs and act appropriately- it almost completely ruined his personality. He was angry EVERY DAY- and constantly said things like "I hate that", "that's boring". About EVERYthing. I had to send him to his room for at leat an hour after school every day because he was so antagonistic and negative and hateful. He detested school, and complained about it EVERY SINGLE DAY- no exceptions. He even complained about it on the weekends- about how he wished he wouldn't ever have to go back. Anyway, I guessI'm reminiscing today. And rambling a bit. I'm just so glad he's home with me now, and happy and sweet and learning and growing every day!

Next week we are planning to go to Mom's in Alabama for a short visit. Nannie seems very excited that we're visiting, "since it's been so long" since she's seen us. We were there in September..... But maybe she doesn't recall that far back? We'll be happy to see her either way =).

I'm thinking of making one of these:

Isn't it the caa uutest? A girl in a booth across the way from me at the sorry Boutique Show Saturday was selling something similar... it read"Countdown to Christmas" on the back of a cookie sheet.

There was a calendar and under each magnet, there was a little something to do each day before Christmas (sing a Christmas song, mail a card, drink hot cocoa,etc.) SO CUTE- and SOLD LIKE GANGBUSTERS. The girl was seriously making money hand over fist on them. This one in the picture is made with a 24 cup muffin pan (it's an advent calendar) and under the magnets there's something to go in every cup, from candy, to scritupore references, to tiny notes with an activity listed on them. FABULOUS! I am SO making one or both of these to sell on etsy (or somewhere) next year! I also have some FABULOUS other themes of things to make.... just you wait!

Today DBall has finished all his school work and is currently vacuuming the kitchen and livingroom. I managed to sell 4 pair of GAP jeans that don't fit him properly, so now I can buy him some more "sports pants" (don't know the legal terminology, but they have an elastic waist and oftentimes have a strip down the leg). He complains mightily about jeans, so I'm giving up on them. He won't have any when I get the last 4 pair sold.....

Tonight they have cub scouts, and we're having white beans with spinach-asiago-chicken sausage (all cooked in the crock-pot) and homemade biscuits for dinner. YUM-O! Can't wait for the dinner part, though I'll only get a few bites in. But nothing tastes as good as being thin(ish) feels!!!


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