2nd post May 24, 2010 from HSB

got in to see the OB this a.m. She did the u/s, the baby was sitting right there looking perfect, she said she didn't know what the bleeding was from- couldn't find a hemorrhage or anything. She said to stay close to home, but I don't actually have to stay in bed... but I can't walk too far or long, stand too long, or do any cleaning.

That was 10:00 this morning. While resting in the recliner around 2;30 this afternoon, I suddenly felt all kinds of activity and ran to find loads of blood and tissue. we can't determine any identifiable parts, just a lot of tissue (we hope). Called Dr back. She said to stay in bed and call back in the morning and I'll probably go in and see the OB and have another ultrasound.

I don't guess I was ever meant to have a normal pregnancy. D may still get to be an only child yet.....


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