Awfully cranky today

Not really sure why.
The last 2 mornings I've woken up with a headache, general body achiness and some dizziness. Not sure what that's about- but I don't love it.
I currently have no library books to read, though I've requested 5 from the local library and I'm hoping at least one of them comes in tomorrow. Today I started the washer for one load of clothes, and dried them. I loaded part of the dishwasher with the help of Dball. I made dinner while B & D got ready for Cub Twilight Camp. now they're gone until after 9:00pm and I'm lonely and bored. Woe is me.
I spoke to my OB's nurse today and she has placed some prenatal vitamins with DHA samples at the front desk for me- I just have to drag myself down there to pick them up. Also she verified with Dr. McA. that he will use general anesthesia for the cerclage insertion tomorrow, which is a huge relief. I SO want ro avoid needles in my spinal space (epidural, spinal block) as well as being awake and aware while he's sewing up my cervix. I'm fairly certain I cannot deal with it.
I am increasingly optimistic about this pregnancy. The latest I've ever miscarried before was 11.5 weeks, and we're past that now. After seriously premature dilation and premature rupture of membranes and labor with Logan he was born at 23 weeks, but we should be able to avoid that situation with the cerclage.
If I can keep this child in until July 1, and have the cerclage successfully put in, hopefully I'll be able to relax a little more. I still have the subchorionic hemorrhage and spotting most days, but Dr. said it was nothing to worry about as it isn't getting any bigger or more symptomatic. I can't wait to go to the Aquatic Center and get in the pool there.... I need to ask him again if I can swim in the backyard pool, but since it's above ground I figure he'll say no since I'd have to go up and down the ladder. I may not even ask.
So I guess even though I'll still have to seriously limit my activity and will maintain pelvic rest as well, I will be relieved and grateful to have the cerclage in. I need to start researching less expensive (NEARBY) places to have 3D ultrasounds done. We're definitely going to get one, but would rather not pay $250 or it.
I still think I need an Iphone. Unfortunately we don't want to renew our contract with AT&T in case we decide to switch to another carrier, so I need to find one somewhere else. I don't want the brand new one- the older model will be fine. I couldn't find one on craigslist, but I will keep checking. Obviously I would like it to work right. =)


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