June 2, 2010 from HSB

My man did let me accompany him to Sam's Club Saturday night, I had to ride in the elec cart. I hadn't had any spotting all day Sat.!
Sunday and Monday went spot-free, if memory serves (sometimes it does not). Then Tuesday I had strange dark spotting- very little though and very short lived.
I've decided to switch OBs if at all possible. I called Dr. McAlister's office, told the woman my life story (first mistake), and she told me that since I would be a "transfer OB patient" I would have to arrange for all my medical records to be sent to them, then when they all arrived the Dr's would have a meeting about it and decide if they were willing to accept my care. WHAT!?!??!!???
So I called Dr. Bradford and spoke with his nurse. She said she had that problem with them all the time, and to call back and set up and appointment and they would go ahead and start faxing my records over.


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