I need more glitter in my life

That's just a given, but I thought I'd put it out there.

I'm going to try to update my blog more often, just for my own sake (since I can't be bothered "don't have time" to journal.)

I went to the dollar store (the one where everything's $1 or less; not the Family Dollar, or Dollar General, or somewhere else where the suggest stuff is only $1, but most everything inside actually costs more).  I'm pretty sure there's some grammatical error with putting that much inside parentheses, but there you see I just did it.  I'm a rebel like that sometimes.

Anyway, I went to the dollar store, looking for baskets to organize the pantry.  While we're talking about that, I see people posting on facebook, pinterest, and Mormon Mommy blogs about their neat and organized pantries all the time, but mine does not turn out looking as awesome as theirs.  Do these people not have food storage?!  Do they not buy stuff in bulk, and if they do, where is all THAT STUFF kept?  It's clearly not in their color coded, pretty basketed pantry they post pictures of online.

But I digress.  The best part about that trip to the dollar store, for some reason in my mind, was the garden seeds that were 4/$1!  I'm going to start tomatoes inside this year, I bought two different kinds.  I cannot wait.  I also go seeds for yellow squash, zucchini, leaf lettuce, green beans (or maybe garden beans? They look a lot like green beans either way), pumpkins, chives, basil..... I just forgot what else.  I'm trying to convince myself that even if it's 100° in the shade I'm going to weed and water and keep up with the garden and these two little people that live here with me are going to help.  Every day.

I think I'm done for today/  I'm dizzy and need to start low carb pizza dough....


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