Wow I'm pretty far behind....

Oh well... I do what I can I guess.

DBall and I have continued Homeschooling pretty well this Summer. We've had weeks where we did nothing "officially" towards school, but I figure we need breaks every now and again. We're going to stick with Singapore math for now, it seems to be going really well. We've begun learning/writing in cursive, though DBall complains oft about his sore hands. Truthfully I haven't been having him write nearly as much as he should've been all Summer... so his hands may be sore for a little while as they toughen up. I've been giving him spelling lists at some point during the week (usually Monday, Tuesday or Wednesday), and he must write a sentence using each word. Then he's been having only one spelling test per week- usually on Thursday or, more often, Friday- which is good enough for me. I've purchased the age-appropriate Pathway Readers for third grade, I'm optimistic about starting those in another month or so. There's the reader, plus the teacher's manual plus the kid's workbook; which includes comprehension, vocabulary and spelling. We've started going to Chess Club with ETC (homeschool group) and D says he "loves chess", so that's a definite plus. ABall likes chess as well. I may be helping to teach an apologea Science class this Fall through ETC.... if not I have loads of Science experiment books we can utilize, and Celeste teaches Science at her house so hopefully I can finagle in invite for him to that too.....

D turns 8 in August- and will be starting Cub Scouts (yeehaaw!). With B working days now he should be able to go to Cub activities and such with him, which he will enjoy. We'll be leaving by Aug 15 for Claifornia, can't wait to go to Disneyland and we've tickets for Legoland and Aquarium of the Pacific as well. I wish California was somewhere other than in California.....

I've slowly started losing weight again- I really think I wasn't getting enough protein. I only managed to exercise 3 times last week, and need to do a lot more this week. D should be starting soccer soon (seems that way anyway!) so he needs to walk more also. We have an appointment with his pulmonolohgist tomorrow- I've got my fingers crossed. His pulmonary function was down 3 months ago, and she said if it isn't back up this time we'll have to change his meds to something stronger :(. I'm really hoping to avoid stronger meds.

As if Church at 1:00pm wasn't bad enough, it's been moved to 1:30pm now. I figure in the Winter, when they probably plan to do choir afterward, it will be dark by the time we get home. It's a good thing that there's so much growth in the Church, but I really wish we didn't have to meet so late in the afternoon. *grumble*grumble*grumble*

Well I'm tired again. I actually have timeto take a nap- but all this sleeping is driving me crazy (it was a short trip). I'm on 180 mg Armour Thyroid- but I'm thinking I could use another 60mg. Since I have "extra" now, I may have to try it. Celeste has been suggesting it for a while now....


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