So I've received several private responses

to my last blog post. I thought I made it clear that i wasn't finished. Also it wasn't a judgment of anyone. It was meant to be a statement of fact- truly. I honestly believe that when making such weighty (in my opinion) choices and decisions, *MY* personal opinion is of absolutely no matter at all whatsoever. But I also believe that people need all the facts they can get related to any particular subject, so that they can make a properly informed choice. I've made many choices or decisions off the cuff, when if I'd done a little more research or had a better understanding- I may very well have done differently.

So I may or may not continue my previous entry, but definitely don't feel like I'm judging everyone and their dog. I do realize that the parent's physical and mental health must be considered, and in the end you are the only one responsible for your choices about your life. And I'm good with that.


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