This is not finished, but I haven't time to finish it just now. I do have more to say. please don't feel obligated to read this.

B was off yesterday because mail doesn't run on holidays (hallelujah, pass the gravy!) and he did spend some time watching the olympics. I really wish I enjoyed the olympics more than I do, but I do not. Sometimes I can sit there and watch the snowboarders or speed skaters or whatever, but I definitely don't get all excited about it and set aside time in my day for the olympics. In addition to that though, B also put the Christmas boxes back up in the attic (can I get another HALLELUJAH!!!) and finished removing the wallpaper from the master bathroom walls. I somehow did not realize that I couldn't just go in there and paint it now. First it has to be textured, and then primed. Oh, the tediousness of it all. I just want it painted already!! I am *SO* convinced it's going to look less flaming pink once the walls are a more neutral color.

Today I took DBall, Cman and Bman to see Big River at the Rogers Little Theater. I almost didn't go- because I didn't pay enough attention to realize it was a musical. It was FABULOUS- I really enjoyed it. I'm pretty sure the boys enjoyed it, right up until the end when "there was all that singing and singing" (roll eyes here) DBall said. Obviously, the singing was my very favorite part. I'm thinking I'm the only one who cries through Huck Fin... but there ya' go.

Thursday Celeste is taking CMan & Dball to University Days at the U of A. I think it's from like 8:30am-2:00pm. I will have Bman & Tman- hopefully it'll be nicer (warmer!) outside that day. Then Friday at 4pm (seriously, in the middle of the night!) Celeste is taking the boys to the U of A Planetarium for a
Alright so this is my blog, and I'm terribly couth to begin with. But I figure,I can say whatever I want (or think??) on my own blog... that is kind of the point of the thing, I suppose. So here I go, I've got a few things to say! =)

Many years ago I read up on what the Church Handbook and other leaders had to say about birth control, voluntary sterilization and postponing children until you're done with school or whatnot. Lately it seems like no one says anything about it outloud- but to my knowledge nothing has ever been rescinded. Kind of like Heavenly Father issuing the command to multiply and replenish the earth. He never came back and said NOT to do that. So I'm posting here the words I've referred to when I state that "the Church" or brethren are against birth control. Just so maybe those who would debate the subject will see that I didn't just make it up in my head. And perhaps it has been rescinded. If so you may feel free to point that out as well.

Way back in 1916, George Albert Smith said:"Children are a heritage from the Lord, and those who refuse the responsibility of bringing them into the world and caring for them are usually prompted by selfish motives, and the result is that they suffer the penalty of selfishness throughout eternity. There is no excuse for members of our Church adopting the custom of the world. . . We have been better taught than they."
(George Albert Smith, "Birth Control," Relief Society Magazine, Feb. 1917, p. 72)

In a conference report in 1943, David O. McKay stated: When the husband and wife are healthy, and free from inherited weaknesses and disease that might be transplanted with injury to their offspring, the use of contraceptives is to be condemned."
(David O. McKay, Conference Report, October 1943, p. 30

And again in 1969: We seriously regret that there should exist a sentiment or feeling among any members of the Church to curtail the birth of their children. We have been commanded to multiply and replenish the earth that we may have joy and rejoicing in our posterity. Where husband and wife enjoy health and vigor and are free from impurities that would be entailed upon their posterity, it is contrary to the teachings of the Church artificially to curtail or prevent the birth of children. We believe that those who practice birth control will reap disappointment by and by."
(First Presidency {David O. McKay,Hugh B. Brown, N. Eldon Tanner} Letter to presidents of stakes, bishops of wards, and presidents of missions, 14 April 1969)

In 1973 President Kimball said: I have told many groups of young people that they should not postpone their marriage until they have acquired all of their education ambitions. I have told tens of thousands of young folks that when they marry they should not wait for children until they have finished their schooling and financial desires. Marriage is basically for the family, and there should be no long delay. They should live together normally and let the children come. . ."
(Spencer W. Kimball, "Marriage is Honorable," Speeches of the Year, 1973, p. 263)

And in 1974: The tendency for many of our girls and many of our married women to put off or to reduce their families is not pleasing to your Heavenly Father, for He said, 'multiply and replenish the earth,' and He knew what He was doing, and any of our personal opinions don't amount to much as compared to the wisdom of God. And he said as he concluded this great effort of creation, 'And I . . .saw everything that I had made, and behold, all things which I had made were very good . . .' He stood off and looked them over. He had made no errors; He had made no mistakes; He had created man and woman for a purpose. That purpose was not fun; that purpose basically was to live together in harmony and peace and to rear children in righteousness . . ."
(Spencer W. Kimball, Address to Special Interest Fireside in Tabernacle, 29 Dec. 1974, pp. 4-5)

the 1998 Handbook read:
Surgical Sterilization (Including Vasectomy)

The First Presidency has declared, "We seriously deplore the fact that members of the Church would voluntarily take measures to render themselves incapable of further procreation.

Surgical sterilization should only be considered (1) where medical conditions seriously jeopardize life or health, or (2) where birth defects or serious trauma have rendered a person mentally incompetent and not responsible for his or her actions. Such conditions must be determined by competent medical judgment and in accordance with law. Even then, the person or persons responsible for this decision should consult with each other and with their bishop (or branch president) and receive divine confirmation through prayer." (1989 General Handbook of Instructions, Chapter 11)

Most of these I read/learned about when I attend BYU. I know not everyone can or even wants to attend a Church university, and may not have access to so many General Authorities and so much information on the doctrines of the Church. I learned SO MUCH about my religion while I was there. I am not a vast reservoir of knowledge on very many (if any?) subjects, and there are countless others who know considerably more than I. Nevertheless, when I'm given the information, particularly when a Prophet of God has spoken it, I like to make some effort to follow it.

Several years ago I was one different parenting boards posting about babies and all things associated with them. There were "LDS Moms" groups within many of those communities, and (mostly) young LDS moms/parents would chat back and forth about things. I was alarmed at the number of young couples who literally had no idea that the LDS Church had any viewpoint at all on such matters. They would talk about how important they felt it was for them to hold off having children (or any "more" children as some of them had "accidentally" had one, which was the basis of their conversation) until the husband finished school, or got a "good job", or even until the wife was able to finish her degree.

Believe it or not, I didn't often just interject my "opinion" because I am in fact aware that people think I'm angry when I'm not, or the falsely believe that I think I need to have my own way. I don't actually think I "always need to have [my] own way"- I just like people to make decisions quickly and stick to them, but that's actually another topic altogether. So anyway, when pressed for a response I made every effort not to offend EVERYone there, by stating (who) said (what), and tagging on to the end of that said statement was never rescinded. As you may imagine, MANY young couples were quite furious with me on more than one occasion.

Nevertheless, it is true (to the best of my knowledge) and I did not make it up. I kind of feel like if you're offended or angry about something a Prophet of the Lord has said- that actually doesn't have anything to do with me. While I obviously cannot sympathize with a woman who already has 5 children by the age of 30 (try as I may, I failed miserably in my attempt at that very thing), I can with being overwhelmed in general. And I still feel like maybe what people maybe need is more faith. Faith not to take matters into my own hands by preventing or delaying childbirth, or permanently sterilizing myself without medical cause.

I have faith that the Lord will not give me more than I can handle. He clearly does not guarantee to give me more than I can handle alone- I feel like He often expects us to lean on others during times of trial. Maybe many others. There are many trials (many are actually known by only a few) that I've dealt with in my life, just the same as most everyone else, I would imagine. I don't suppose that I've had to endure any more than anyone else. My trials may be different than someone else's, but they're trials for me nonetheless. And honestly, I have been known on many occasions to look around me at the young, inexperienced "mothers" that seem to abound and wonder why they were given those children. Babies are born to teenagers, mentally ill girls and women, and in all manner of deplorable circumstances; when I have been ready, willing, able, and begging for children. I've lost more children than many people- and it has been difficult. I have often had to have Priesthood blessings, pray for hours on end, and remind myself that this too shall pass. It has been physically, emotionally and spiritually painful. But as a friend recently reminded me- I would not be the person I am today without all those experiences I've had.


tnunley said…
As we were older and fixing to be on our own... my mom gave all four of us kids the best advice ever... She said, "Don't wait to have children. One of our purposes here is to replenish the earth... Do it while your young and able! There is no need to wait!" She got the advice from her bishop just before her and my dad got married.
I tried to follow this advice, but apparently, somebody else had something different in mind for me, until now...
I absolutely sympathize... CONGRATS though, I hope it goes easily and smoothly with no problems for you!! I can't wait!!
hey ang,

this info is also from the church handbook from 1998 and 1983:

"It is the privilege of married couples who are able to bear children to provide mortal bodies for the spirit children of God, whom they are then responsible to nurture and rear. The decision as to how many children to have and when to have them is extremely intimate and private and should be left between the couple and the Lord. Church members should not judge one another in this matter."

"The Lord has commanded husbands and wives to multiply and replenish the earth that they might have joy in their posterity (Gen 1:28). Husbands must be considerate of their wives who have the greater responsibility not only of bearing children but of caring for them through childhood, and should help them conserve their health and strength. Married couples should exercise self-control in all their relationships. They should seek inspiration from the Lord in meeting their marital challenges and rearing their children according to the teachings of the gospel." (1983 church handbook)

thought this might be enlightening for you. maybe it helps too. though the brethren have disapproved birth control as a means of shirking your duties it's not something that you can't do.
agreed. =) I thought I included those portions in my original post, but perhaps I did not. Mostly I was concerned at the number of (mostly younger) members who weren't even aware that it was an issue they needed to prayerfully consider in the first place. Several said,"If the church didn't want me/us to do it (regarding vasectomy)- they would've come out and said something by now". Well, they have come out and said something. There it is- now you know. Just want folks to be able to make as educated choices as possible.

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