3 months old

Our delightful daughter is THREE MONTHS OLD TODAY. Unbelievable! On the one hand I never thought she'd get here. It's exciting though bittersweet to see her grow and develop, she has such a sweet fun personality~ but I wish she could be a baby longer at the same time. On the other hand it seems like she's been with us forever some days- she fits right in and I don't know what we dud without her.

I never got those cute "newborn portraits" made that everyone seems to be getting these days. Oh, I definitely wanted some but figured they'd be too expensive. Now I'm thinking I'd like to get Kupcake and Dball's pics made outside with a live bunny... since it's Spring/Easter-time. We'll see. We did have "family pictures" made at Nannie's funeral last month, so that's something at least.

Turns out my little darling is allergic to nuts right now. I was eating cashews every day for a few weeks there and her face would break out and turn red and her poop was dark green and foul-smelling. I'm hoping if I stay away from all nuts while we're nursing that she won't continue to be allergic to them and we can reintroduce them when she's older.

Currently she has blue eyes (the color of Nannie's, Matthew's, Jonathan's and Ashlie's I believe) and her hair is lighter than when she was born but still seems pretty brown. When she gets out of the shower or bath it's pretty curly, too. We'll have to see how that turns out!

We went to the Dr for her bloodwork a couple days ago and she was 12 lbs and 13 oz. She's really chunking up since I quit the cashews. Alright I have to run because she's complaining mightily about something- and slobbering all over both of us!


Amber T said…
So cute!! Love this idea! :)

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