bits & pieces

We did finally start Time 4 Learning. DBall did a lot of math yesterday, and some language arts + Science today. He really likes the Science best, but they have very few of them on that site/program. Going to have to send him to Celeste's for Science enrichment activities every week.

In regards to homeschooling, I kind of wonder why I'm not worried. I mean, I can't actually figure out what my mindset on the topic is. I thought I would be concerned that I couldn't do it, or that he would be "behind" (behind what exactly, I don't know). I haven't ruled out putting him back in public school if we decide that's what he needs, but for the moment I don't think that's what he needs. He was a pretty good bit ahead anyway, but I hope I'm not subconsciously slacking because I figure "he's ahead of the game anyway....."? I'll have to ponder it some more. I've prayed about it, and I still feel like this is the right thing to do. I'm still surprised that I'm not more worried for some reason.

Today we had TreeHouse and that went pretty well. I asked him if he liked all 3 of the classes he's taking there (I have to pay for them, after all) and he indicated that the first one wasn't "all that". I asked if he'd like to drop it, and he said,"No, I don't hate it... and I do have friends in that class!"LOL. There's only 3 people total in the class.

Tomorrow is library, plus T4L and typing in the afternoon I'm thinking. I totally forgot about typing today- I should write that down. I didn't get my daily chore done today, but tomorrow is open so I can work it in there. Presently I don't even recall what it is. I really love the vacuuming days since we got Paco (the roomba).

We did have a good trip to and from Nana's for Spring Break. We didn't really do anything, but it was good to get away. Dball watched a few movies on the way, and was very helpful with navigation and some entertainment/conversation for me. I like him. The second half of the trip (both there and back) had a few too many"What time is it"'s and "when will we get there"'s, but other than that he did amazingly well. I'm planning to buy him an analog watch and have him wear it every day, and put him in charge with keeping up with the time and alerting me when there's something we need to be doing. Like telling him to let me know when it's 10:00am so we can go to Fun City, etc. That way he'll learn to tell time a little more consistently, hopefully. I'll find activities to keep him on it throughout the day.

AceBall, DBall and I are going back to Nana's next week for Easter. Should be fun- he can't wait for the Bunny to come. I was thinking we'd need an egg hunt while there, but then I remembered that Flor is having a homeschool group egg hunt at her place (in Bella Vista) next Thursday, so I think we'll be set.

The results of my hormone test through my OB-Gyn were normal, so we've no idea why my head hurts all the time and I'm so tired a lot of the time now. They suggested a neurologist, but I think not. I've had all the blood tests I can think of, so we're going to call it good and just deal with it now I think. Maybe it's nothing phsysiological- maybe it's just something that goes along with losing weight this fast and/or malnutrition. Who knows. I'm done testing though- and definitely done with Dr's.

We are moving this Summer- perhaps sooner rather than later. I'm actually kind of excited about it. I've never liked this house- it's been such a chore from day one. There's SO MUCH that needs updating here, and it's so time consuming. I'm excited to get out of Little Mexico (or "Lil' M." as I've affectionately begun to refer to it). There are specific areas of town I'm willing to live in, mostly based on school zones and proximity to other Lil' M pockets. The thought of packing and moving all this junk is more than a litte overwhelming, but ABall seems pretty dead set against hiring packers/movers. He promises to actually take time off work to pack up the rooms and stuff though, so maybe it won't be too horrible-terrible-awful.

You know, I really do enjoy Easter. My beloved 7 y/o will be surprised and confused that my reasons don't actually include the Bunny or gifts I might receive. Sadly, he would likely be surprised- which I only just realized is because we haven't discussed Easter and what it really represents in a while. Sounds like a Family Home Evening lesson..... Anyway. I am so grateful for the Gospel, for Heavenly Father and His son Jesus Christ- and for His atoning sacrifice for me and my family (well, and everyone else. But I really can't worry about everyone in the whole wide world all day every day, so I'm sticking with my family for now). If I didn't know the truth of the Gospel, and if I didn't have faith in the Lord Jesus Christ.... I don't think life would be much worth living most of the time. What would be the point? I really can't imagine what I would do with myself, or how unhappy I would likely be. With all the evidence around us every day, I don't understand how anyone on the planet can convince themselves that there isn't a God, or a Savior. A God in the very least. What a desperate and rather useless life it would be indeed if there was nothing to live for. I used to think people living that way (as if there were no God) were selfish, maybe? But really I wonder if they aren't just sad/depressed, and sort of desperate most of the time. I know I would be sad- I would likely just give up. If I had nothing to work for, nothing to hope for, nowhere to get back to- I don't know why I would go on. I'm pretty sure I wouldn't.

I'm going to step down now, lol. I was just thinking the last couple days how many depressed and desperate people there are in the world, and how many of them waste a great deal of time and energy denying that God who gave them life- who gave them everything. And they never will get happy- they never will find a purpose in what they're doing. There's only one way, and if one is fighting against it tooth and nail...

Well anyway I have to go to bed now. I'm going to pray for all those people as I finish my prayers tonight, and I'll at least feel like I've made some effort on their behalf. Ciao!


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