And a little (more) better today....

Maybe it's going to clear up!
I guess I neglected to mention the other day that it's not a plain scrambled egg I'm eating. I would NEVER be able to get enough protein in that way! It has turkey sausage and cheese mixed in with it :). So at least 6oz for the egg, 6oz (at least) for the cheese, and 6-8 oz for the sausage. So in general I'm getting at least 18 oz of protein at breakfast... and I guess there's 1-2oz in the bread too, but I'm only eating half a slice.

It is sunny today- thank goodness. We have lots more work to do still at the old house. I think it may be sunny all week?! It's about time!! I planted my lonely tomato in a pot yesterday. I have some hydrangeas that need planting today if we find a shovel and have time. Bryson has an appointment Thursday for 'eye mapping' (I think it was) so he can have LASIKS next week. Thursday I have my appointment with Dr. Olsen (hoping for armour thyroid in a more theraputic dose!) and Friday or Saturday we'll leave for Alabama, depending on Aball's schedule at work. Barely 3 more weeks til he's a mail carrier and home every night!!


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