Maybe it is just me

I have never enjoyed mornings. Ever. But since surgery, I think I may enjoy them even less.

I have to take my thyroid meds before anything else(can't remember why). Then I try to eat breakfast. I'm almost always nauseated from breakfast- no matter what I eat. If I eat too fast, too much, or the wrong thing I'm especially ill. It lingers on for quite some time- hours sometimes. I'm supposed to spend 20 minutes eating 1 egg and half a piece of toast. Could be I'm eating too fast- but I just cannot drag out 1scrambled egg and half a piece of toast for 20 minutes? Oh, I'm also not supposed to drink anything within half an before or after eating. Nor while I'm eating. So 30 mintues after finishing said breakfast, I start taking my meds. One at a time, of course. The magic pouch is only the size of an egg- and I need liquid to swallow each pill of course. This, too,takes at least half an hour. I could take them faster, but they'd sit at the top of my throat and I'd be nauseous all over again. My multi-vitamins are chewable and my B12 is sublingual, so that helps. I cannot take the calcium until an hour or more after all the morning meds, because the iron from the multi-vit interferes with absorption. Since I've been redesigned for malabsorption already- I have to do what I can to follow the rules from the surgeon or else I'll be too low on vitamins and minerals. I went for a few days at the beginning of the week without taking the calcium. Not intentionally- I just put it in the new bathroom closet, and didn't see it, so didn't remember. I know what happens when I don't take calcium! My legs/feet/toes cramped up all night and it was awful. I didn't even realize it was the calcium until the next morning. I'm back on the calcium though and the cramping has ceased.

I know I've said it before, but this really isn't the 'easy way out' I thought it would be. They told me up front it was a major/risky/hard surgery, blah blah blah .... but I figured it was laparoscopic, and then you're not hungry anymore. How hard could it be? I stand corrected. I'm not complaining, I'm just sayin'. Tomorrow is my 6-mo surgery anniversary. On a list I'm on we call it our "re-birthday". I'm not going to have lost 100 lbs by then... but this morning I was down one more, so that's 96 lbs so far. I've been walking the last few days again- and PACKING and MOVING and UNLOADING boxes the last 2. Somehow I think that counts as a little exercise, somehow.

The congestion remains in my chest. I have no fever, no chills, no aching muscles. I'm taking mucinex D every 12 hours (as directed). I occassionally use my symbicort and albuterol (often I forget). I do feel like it's going away- and I just dont' want to deal with antibiotics right now. There's little chance I could take antibiotics and pro-biotics on top of my other medications. I just keep hoping I'm right and it's really on it's way out. I do have an appointment with the new Dr. next week... the one who purportedly prescribes Armour. I guess if I'm still dealing with it then he can prescribe something if he thinks he needs to.

AceBall is off today thank goodness. I just can't wait til he's finished at the plant and is working as a carrier. We'll have to get up MUCH earlier then for family prayer. But then DeuceBall and I can go back to bed I suppose if we want :D . That's a happy thought. Early to bed, early to rise!

Alright I needto unpack some boxes and plant the tomato if I can. Then perhaps I'll dry my hair...


tnunley said…
Hey Angie, Sorry to hear that you are having a rough time in the mornings... I know for me, scrambled eggs gives me a stomackache... Have you tried something else like the oikos yogurt or cattage cheese (both have way more protein than a single egg...) Just a thought. Hope the moving is going well!!
I seriously dislike both yogurt AND cottage cheese.... so I pretty much stick with scrambled eggs.. :( Thanks though!

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