Now the day is over.....

And I don't feel like I've accomplished all that much, but I'm tired nevertheless.
C-man came over this morning for a few hours- after surgery yesterday he wasn't up to the Dr. appointment with his mom. He and DBall played PS2 for a while then decided to watch a Goosebumps movie DBall checked out from the library last week. He's watched it alone, with Aball, and now with CMan. He also checked out a "Diary of a Wimpy Kid" book, and really enjoyed it. It's like a comic book (which I'm told is more appropriately reffered to as a "graphic novel" these days) and he's hoping to check out more. He had been reading huge volumes of The Peanuts. He may have just switched to "Diary of a Wimpy Kid". You're only allowed to keep the movies for one week, so we'll go tomorrow to return the movie and look for more Diary books...

We did not do any schoolwork today at all. We did go to Target to get storage containers for both the toys in the play/sunroom and my seasonal things (Halloween, Easter, etc...). Then we went to Petsmart for hermit crab food. Then we went to Walmart for the groceries that weren't at Target. Then we went by the bank, because I thought I had lost my debit card. When we returned home from those places I told DBall if he cleaned out my car and found my debit card I would give him 25 cents. He did!!

While we were at Walmart DBall used some of his allowance money to buy a Star Wars/Clone Wars lego set. He spent 40 mintues or so putting that together in different ways, then Aball got up from his "nap". We grilled mozarella/garlic chicken sausages (from Sam's) for dinner then the boys mowed the backyard with the riding lawnmower.

I did manage twoloads of laundry today- but that's about it. I have a few things I could unpack and find a homefor, but I don't want to.

We had previously been feeding the dogs (shih tzus) Royal Canin brand food. It was approximately $14 for a 3 lb bag. They went up in price ($17+ per bag now!) so I did some research and decided on Solid Gold shih tzu food. It's not cheap, but it was less expensive than the Royal Canin. Unfortunately it does not do much for Gizmo- he's back to scratching and chewing his hide off. So we've ordered 10 lbs bags of the Royal Canin online from National Pet Pharmacy. With shipping it comes to $38 per 10 lb bag. I'm kind of scandalized about the whole thing. If I had enough time inmy day to accomlish everything I already need to, I might break down and make the dog's food for them myself. I know they would flourish on it- but I just don't have time. I'm thinking it might work out to be cheaper as well.... Maybe once we get settled in I'll find some recipes online and experiment with it a little. I know they can't have corn or corn products, or wheat. Mostly it's fresh meat (livers, organs, etc.) and fresh veggies. Then I could just keep the Royal Canin on hand for when I don't get the homemade fresh stuff made. I think you can keep it in the fridge a couple days, and freezeit longer (obviously). If I made big enough batches for both dogs... maybe I could get away with just preparing it once a week? Once every two weeks?

Along those same lines I'm reconsidering cooking on the weekends for the entire week. Or maybe on a specific day during the week. If I could get a couple of girlfriends to do the same thing, we could make enough meals for each family to last all week long. I love to cook so that's not the problem. Basically with homeschooling I just don't have nearly as much time as I used to during the week. I'm not complaining because I don't mind homeschooling at all. It would just be nice for the kids to play on, say, Tuesday while we cook up meals for 3-4 families to last a whole week. I can't remember what that's called but there used to be books and websites about it- seems like it had a "name" people referred to it as.

While I was ordering the dog's food (through Amazon) I went ahead and bought this book as well:

The Parenting Breakthrough: Real-Life Plan to Teach Kids to Work, Save Money, and Be Truly Independent

I'm hopeful it will help me get it together. I totally realize I'm doing Dball no favors by doing things for him, and/or by not requiring enough of him. But having only one child (at the moment, hopefully not forever) it's just simpler for me to do things myself. It's wrong, I know. And I like things really organized and "done right". Please don't think for a moment that I am not fully aware that I'm a control freak. I get that- anyone who knows me gets that. I am willing to step back, I just don't know 'how' I guess, or on what issues. I'm optimistic this book will helpme.

Recently I've noticed a lot more ADD and OCD issues with myself. I'm starting to wonder if the complete removal of Diet Coke from my diet is keeping me from being able to focus. Perhaps the caffeine in it was working like ritalin might... as a stimulant for most people, but was maybe helping me focus? I'm going to mention it to my new Dr. on Thursday. A lot of the ADD-like symptoms are also low thyroid symtoms, so it could be that as well. Or both. I'm really hoping that the switch to Armour and higher dosage of it will improve lots of things. I may be pinning a little too much hope on that one thing, but hopefully the Dr. will have other suggestions/insight on my issues too.

I've just run out of steam... think I'll go watch the DVR'd shows from last night!


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