Had a good Memorial Day

spent it with Nana & Grandpa in Alabama. We were sad he didn't get to see Jonathan yesterday before we left, but we did enjoy Guitar Hero and Star Wars with him Sunday evening. We got Ashlie graduated from Seminary,and made it home safely last night. Had a flat tire in New Albany, MS on the way home; and got to ride inside the van, on top of the flat bed tow truck that came to haul us and our crippled vehicle to Walmart for new tires. Since there were three humans and two shih tzus, we wouldn't all fit int he tow truck cab.

This morning Bryson and I went for a walk while D-ball did his school work. He did language arts, language arts extensions and math. D went to Celeste's house (thank Heavens for Celeste!) while I took Bryson to the eye clinic for his LASIK surgery. We were there an hour and a half or so, but the surgery only took like 20 minutes. Aceball is resting now- his eyes are sensitive and sore, the right one hurts worse than the left. He took a second valium, a zyrtec and 3 ibuprofen and went to bed. He's supposed to sleep 6 hours, we'll see how that goes. He goes in at 8:45 in the morning for the srugeon to check his eyes. I'm thinking/hoping he'll feel better tomorrow. The Dr. said to avoid lake water for 3 months, but in about a month he can go in pool water (wooohoo- WHITE WATER!). He can go to Silver Dollar City and ride the roller coasters in a week- which is fabulous since we were planning to go next Thursday or Friday.

I'm thinking I need to help DBall locate his library books now and get some reading in. Then we need to obtain some more weed-n-feed, a water hose and a sprinkler. The hose and sprinkler are mostly because we don't have the pool set up yet. One gets bored, and it's kinda warm today and not raining (yet).


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