Triumphant day!

I'm tired, due to only getting 3 hours of sleep last night. But I had an extremely successful visit with my new Dr. today. YEEEEHAAAAW. I was fully prepared to give him my list of low thyroid symptoms and try to convince him what dosage of Armour thyroid I felt I needed, but it was completely unnecessary. I printed out my labs from last July and this past February, as well as my letter to Dr. Alex and her response refusing me Armour. We chatted about how Armour was approved by the FDA in 1932 (or 1937, couldn't recall exactly) and how it wouldn't be left on the market if it was inconsistent and all that rubbish Dr. Alex claimed about it. We also noted that Synthroid couldn't even get FDA approval until 2002, because of the inconsistency between batches. I have done some research online and through medical journals (a nightmare in the best of times) and I'm sure he's done considerably more. Why they're telling folks in medical school that Armour is bad is completely beyond me- almost everyone I know with the exception of one friend has felt immensely better on Armour than on the synthetic. And Armour at least has T3 in it- which is the active thyroid hormone not even contained in Synthroid. I had told Dr. Olsent hat initially I had trebled my dose of synthroid, then wondered if that was overdoing it, so I dropped it to double my prescribed dose. I felt fabulous and for the first time in 6 mos my hands and feet were not numb with cold. Then I received that response back from Dr. Alex and wondered if double was toomuch as well- so I settled on 1.5 times my prescribed dose of synthroid. Dr. Olsen agreed that it would have been pretty obvious if I was taking too much thyroid (heart racing, sewating, jittery, etc) so he was certain the triple and double doses would not have killed me. We decided on the equilvalent of 1.5 my syunthroid dose to start with on Armour, because it could be that just the addition of T3 will make up the difference. He said if I don't feel as good as I did before, we can raise the dose until we get it right. He also said I needed to be taking 5000 IU of Vit D per day, because I've only been taking 2000 IU and it's only raised my Vit D levels to 43. They should be 50-65, and he said that would help a lot. I believe him- as I've done a lot of research on Vit D as well.

Later this morning CMan, Celeste and TuTu came over for movies/video games. The boys had pizza rolls and played PS2 the whole time. Celeste and I (and TuTu) watched Twlight until they had to go retrieve Benjamin from school.

Bryson had his "eye mapping" for LASIK with the eye Dr. today. They dilated his eyes so I drove him home. His surgery is scheduled for next Tuesday. It doesn't look like we'll be able to leave for AL tomorrow, they're planning to make him work Friday night. But we'll most likely leave Saturday as soon as B gets home from work. Then we'll spend Sat & Sun nights in AL, and drive home Monday so ABall can be fully rested and prepared for surgery on Tuesday.


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