and we're procrastinating.....

I don't want to vacuum. I have no good reason or excuse, I just don't wanna. So there ya' go.

Yesterday I did the laundry and cleaned the master bath as indicated on my schedule. I didn't exercise yesterday for which I have a couple of excuses. Firstly, it was a deep water running day and I was cold. Lately I can hardly bear the thought of submersing myself in that cold water. I literally have goosebumps the whole time I'm there. I don't know that anyone else is as freezing as I am- likely not, but 82° in my opinion is JUST TOO COLD. So then I rationalized that it was supposed to warm up to almost 70° anyway yesterday, so the three of us could walk to and around the park after school. So I tried to convince Celeste (you had to have known it was partially someone's fault other than my own) to walk with me from her house to the school to pick up D-ball and back. She didn't want to, whined and moaned about how now she's homeschooling and they would think it was dumb that she keeps coming up there; yada yada yada ad nauseum. She said they were going to the park near their home, and agreed we could walk there from her house. We didn't- we drove. She suggested we could walk around the trail at the park, but we didn't do that either. So by the time DBall and I got back home it was after 5:00 pm, and then Bryson got up around 6:00 (it was already almost dark) and we had to get dinner on.

Bryson rode his motorcycle (don't get me started) to work last night for the first time in weeks. Unfortunately it up and quit on the way home this morning, so he drove the caravan down to Fayetteville to charge it while I dropped D at school. By the time I got back from school, Bryson was pulling in on his bike. We went back to pick up the caravan, then came home and ate breakfast. During that same time I unloaded the dishwasher, which should count for something since my least favorite chore of all in the whole wide world is dealing with the kitchen.

But after all that we did go for a walk. It was about 50 minutes long and my heart rate was 120+, so I feel like it did some good. I wasn't as tired and bleh as on my walk a couple days ago, but I wasn't fantastic either. And I was wheezing a little (asthma).

My daily calendar indicates I need to make something with chicken for dinner and vacuum. Thinking about changing it. ;) D and I would rather eat at Las Palmas for dinner, and I would rather play on the computer or watch Bones from last night than vacuum. Oh! I did lose another full pound--> HALLELUJAH & pass the cornbread! Though really I don't even eat cornbread. Except that sweet kind that comes from Famous Dave's. Since surgery I bet I don't eat that either.

Alright I'm going to sweep a little, then vacuum a little. Unless I can think of some other useless activity to do here in front of my computer monitor....


Anonymous said…
this is too funny since I just posted my planner pages for the week for my family LOL

I am not on vac this week though LOL
tnunley said…
Where did Brson park his cycle? I was going to work, I guesse it was this morning, and I saw a black motorcycle parked on the northbound side of Hwy 71. I think I was turning on Joyce going east... was that his bike?? funny if it was. I remember thinking that that was an odd place to park a bike!

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