Still exercising-

And still feeling fine! I have a 6 week (more like 8 week) follow-up with my surgeon tomorrow... and a "group class" with the nutritionist. Really the group classes just drive me crazy.

So a girl on another forum has a roach problem, so I shared my "roach ball" recipe with her. Thought perhaps I'd share it here as well. We haven't had any roaches here, not even sure if they have them here. On the other side of town where we rented a house to some skuzzy people, they had roaches there for sure. We had some in a rent house in Little Rock though- and I was pregnant and traumatized by them. People tried to tell me they were "tree bugs"- but seriously they look like great big old Texas roaches (water bugs) to me and they are NOT OKAY. So here it is, for anyone whose interested:

Angie's Roach Balls

1 cup borax
1/4 cup powdered sugar
1/4 cup chopped onion
1/2 cup shortening

You can purchase Borax on the laundry isle at the grocery. Mix all ingredients into a paste/dough and roll into marble-sized balls. I put the balls at the back of counter-tops and the back inside cabinets, if you have small children you may wish to put them in plastic baggies and write what it is on the outside so no one eats them. Place two or three balls into a sandwich-size plastic bag and leave the top open. Place the bag anywhere you have a roach problem. The roaches will eat the balls and carry them away. The bugs die at home, out of sight, and other roaches eat those carcasses and so on. The onion scent draws them in, and they love the sugar and keep eating. This recipe makes about 50 balls for about 10 applications. There is one caution. Hide these bags carefully so that children and pets can't get at them.

Also I keep bay (laurel) leaves lying around on counter-tops, behind appliances like the fridge and stove, and in the backs of cabinets. I read/heard somewhere they were a natural deterrent, and I'm not sure what's keeping the roaches away here but just in case- I'm keeping the bay leaves!


Bonnie Tadlock said…
Roaches? Yuck. For me, I can't say it's a roach problem since the terminix guy came. Now it's crickets--the tan variety, not black (& they do jump, so I know they're not supposed to be the nasty crawlies). They started coming around after the cockroaches left. What is this!?! you have any home remedies for those?
Anonymous said…
I might have missed something, but on your ticker, you want to lose another 167 pounds? woudln't taht put you at 30# total? you would die?


just checking and are you having surgery? fill me in here lady

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