Monday, Monday

I *do* like it when D.Ball has a holiday from school, especially when it falls on Bryson's day off. Even though it was approximately 30° this morning the three of us bundled up and went for a walk. It was much shorter than usual, because it was much colder than usual. But we're counting it!

Then we went to Fast Lanes. There was laser tag (we didn't play that), bowling (we did do that) and lots of video games to blow your money on. We did LOTS of that. Celeste and her eldest and youngest sons went- and the boys seem to have a good time.

When we returned home we basically did a bunch of nothing. The boys played Lego Batman, I believe. For dinner we made waffles and bacon. Then after scriptures we put the boy to bed reading Barnaby Grimes. Turns out there are AR tests for that, "Bad Kitty Gets a Bath", plus the Magic Tree House books he's been reading at bedtime. I'm excited- he'll be on target! Now if I could just get him past level S+ on Math Facts we'd really be on the ball....

Now my Bryson has gone to work, and we're left here alone again. He has applied for and apparently been accepted by the manager of the custodians/janitors, and even though it is a position in the same plant where he currently works as a mail handler- he has not yet been given that position. There's a good chance he could work days as a custodian, and that would be a lot easier on our whole family. We are SO WEARY of his 11:00pm-7:30am schedule.

Now I need to get to bed I believe. We have deep water running in the morning, and the high is a balmy 36°. Ridiculously, the high on Wednesday is 52°, and Thursday (believe it or not) 60°. We ought to all have pneumonia before we make it through February.


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