Starting out to be

a great week so far!

This morning Bro. & Sis. Bensing came over to help Ace (B the 1st) in the backyard. Our backyard is looking a lot better- we are thankful for friends and our ward family! I washed 4 loads of laundry, unloaded and reloaded the dishwasher, and then Ace helped me (he did most of the work- so I guess technically I helped him) in the playroom. We had a huge bag of "trash", and it's really starting to shape up back there.

After we picked up DBall from school Ace worked on installing the ceiling fan in the master bath. It's been partially installed for a while, but we had to call the manufacturer and get additional parts. After that we walked to the and around the park (DBall rode his scooter). We made dinner together when we got home (breakfast!) and now I come to my actual point:

I've identified another habit I need to break. I know I can only eat a certain amount. So I had 4 pieces of turkey bacon, and 2 silver dollar (slighty larger) pancakes to eat. I eat the bacon first, because I'm supposed to get my protein in first. Then I ate what I could of the little pancakes. Here's the bad habit: I know if I leave it there and wait about 30 minutes, I'll be able to eat the rest. And they're really yummy- so I want them. I used real butter and sugar-free syrup, so I don't feel bad calorie/fat-wise about eating them. But I don't NEED them, and I think it would be way better if I just threw them away (actually Ace ate them) and called the meal "over".

Now we're going to watch "Enchanted". We must like it, it's about the third time I've seen it. *I* don't normally watch movies over and over, and I didn't balk about this one!


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