Semi-back on schedule

We mall-walked for the second day in a row. This time for at least 50 minutes. I drank 32 oz of water while we were walking, which is unusual for me. And I've been running to potty since we got home. I've been 5 times (w/a fairly full bladder) in the last 2 hours. I've drank another 16 oz water in that same time, but I'm still thirsty. I'm not entirely certain if it's from the zyrtec, sudafed, head-cold, or all three?

In addition to the water/urination issue I'm doing the laundry (as scheduled) and I'm exhausted. Not sure if being tired is related to the illness, meds, all of the above or what. Due to the fairly widespread damage done by last week's ice storm we have a street full of tree cutting and debris company trucks. In our driveway alone there are three: a King-cab pick-up, a bucket truck and a front-end loader. And they're not even doing anything for me or my yard! They are loud and blocking my driveway. I'm thinking this could be contributing to my weariness.

Alright I think I need a nap now. I will switch the laundry, eat a bite of lunch and lie down on the couch. Can't wait to see D-ball after school- I need those of you who homeschool to send me info about curriculum, online curriculum and your average daily schedule please :) (AnneMarie I mean.... in case you didn't know I was referring to you there).

I have to go lie down.


Ree said…
Well, I noticed your subtle hint there.

I have never used an online curriculum. Many of the books I use I get from used books sales. I usually end up with as many lemons as winners, but the sad truth is that it's hard to tell what is going to work for your child until you buy it and try it.

I was going to recommend you check out the Elijah company. I had one of their catalogs years ago and it had all kinds of great advice as well as products. Sadly, they have apparently gone out of business, but you can still get the resource book here:

There are alot of boxed curriculums out there where you can get all the subjects you need for any particular grade. I have never used these, but I imagine this would give a lot of structure and ease the transition from public schools. Abeka is a popular one. Switched on Schoolhouse uses CDRoms, I believe. Again, not something I have personal experience with, but if you are interested in online options, that may interest you too.

This is becoming an obnoxiously long comment.

Our schedule is not exactly consistent. Most days, I try to keep my boys focused on academics from 10-3. Lunch and other breaks are in there, too. I count piano practice, and scripture reading as part of our required 4 hrs. per day.

Flexibility is one of the advantages of homeschooling. If we get curious about a science topic and want to take some extra time on an experiment or something, then I never say "no it's time for math" We'll enjoy the science while the kids are intereted and maybe skip math that day. So it's not much like a public school schedule. But that's me. You and D might feel better about a more regular schedule.

Really, there are as many ways to homeschool as there are to parent. There is a lot of trial and error. I've been at it 7 years, and I still feel like I'm tweaking and trying to figure it out. Figuring out what works best for your family is part of the adventure.

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