Not quite back to normal....

With the ice and lack of electricity last week I think I missed exercising every single day. And of course the menu was out the window, obviously. One bright spot is that I had just changed the sheets (on laundry day Monday) so they were still clean this week when the lights finally came back on :D.

While I cannot think of an even mildly acceptable excuse for not exercising Monday or Tuesday of this week, I'm going to go ahead and let it slide. :) . I can't really undo it now anyway. Today we became mall walkers. I had totally forgotten you could even do that until someone (Celeste? I don't recall now) mentioned it a week or two ago. I dropped D-ball at school and came home, and B wasn't home from work yet. So I started my breakfast; unloaded, reloaded and started the dishwasher; and changed clothes. When Bryson was home and we had both eaten we drove down there. We went twice around the whole mall, which only took us about 35 minutes. Bryson suggested we go around again, but I was kind of over it by then.

But I did go grocery shopping (somewhat) Monday afternoon, so we were able to have Monday night breakfast for dinner as scheduled. And since a lot of the chicken nuggets didn't make it, we changed last night to hamburgers. Bryson cooked them on the grill and they were fabulous.

Today I need to go to Sam's but I don't want to. I'm waiting til I pick D-ball up from school so he can come with. He kinda likes going shopping there, and that will help me get through it. we're having tacos for dinner tonight, plus I made pinto beans. Our menu is back on schedule, and the laundry is pretty well done. I'm going to have to slowly work back into the chore schedule I set up (I don't want to do that either, and I'm *so dang cold*!)

D-ball saw the pulmonologist yesterday and she didn't find any problems but doesn't want us to stop any of his meds. I'm pretty tired of all of them (Singulair, zyrtec, pulmocort, rhinocort, albuterol....) but she strongly encouraged me to wait until our May visit to stop any of them. I know he'll still need the zyrtec because his nose runs clear like a faucet if I lower the dosage. And we would keep the albuterol for prior to exercise and when he comes down with colds.... I'm still thinking about it. He was in the 75% for height and 80% for weight, which she thought was a good thing.

Alrighty I think I need to go get the taco seasoning that I forgot at the walmarts yesterday, then pick up my DBall. I was going to pick him up early, but now I'm thinking I need to talk to one of the other room moms about the Valentine's party next week.


Anonymous said…
I can't believe you guys still don't have electricty, what a bummer!

you are trying to develop a habit, so be kind to yourself, there are unique circumstances to your regular routine this week, not amking excuses for you, only pointing that out for you :)
We *DO* have electricity now, sorry if I was unclear. :| It came on Monday afternoon. I'm just cold-natured since surgery, apparently. It's obnoxious!

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