It's a new day, it's a new week...

And I feel really great!

Friday I finally heard back from my endocrinologist's office. They have me scheduled to have blood work done on Tuesday of this week. I'm sort of hoping my thyroid meds just need to be increased, or in the very least that it's something they can detect from the blood work they're doing.

I managed to exercise 5 days last week plus stick to the cleaning schedule and menu pretty well. I didn't have all the ingredients for the particular kind of chicken that was on the menu for Friday night, so I just switched it to Queen Ang (King Ranch) and it was SO FABULOUS I was kinda glad I had to make the switch. It's really a relief to have it all planned out, and to buy the food 1-2 weeks at a time so I only have to run to the store every once in a while for extras or milk usually.

Saturday D-Ball attended a Birthday Party for a friend in our ward. He seemed to really have a good time. He really enjoy arts & crafts, and they finger painted and made things out of salt dough at the party. So it was right up his alley! Saturday afternoon we went to our local "Parade of Fools" Mardi Gras parade. It was lots of fun, and between the 3 of us we came away with something like 90 strands of beads. Don't know what we'll do with them now, but we enjoyed downtown, the floats, the bands, the bikes and catching beads.

Today we went to Church and I thought it went well. D-ball gave the closing prayer in Primary, and he todl me they "split" his class. I think they had been meeting with the CTR-7 s, and now his class (CTR-8s,I believe) have their own teacher. And he really enjoys her (Sis. McWhorter) because he's had her before. D-ball isn't big on change- and he loved Sis. Lindsey too. I'm always relieved when the change isn't traumatic for him.

After B got home from choir practice we picked up C-man from his Church choir practice and went to his house to play Guitar Hero World Tour and eat pizza rolls. I made bracelets for an upcoming Boutique Show I'm participating in and yelled out the lyrics and tune to the songs (from the back of the room where I was sitting). But everyone else played and we all had a great time. I forgot to take my camera or video camera so I only have pics of B when we got back home. I'll post one because I think they're precious- he's wearing the PJ top to the set DBall and I got him for Valentine's this year.
Last week was my 3 mo post op. We took pictures today and I still don't love them but I feel like I should post them here anyway, since that kind of was the main point of starting the blog. Maybe one day I'll be able to look at them and not cringe- but that day is not today.

So in other brief news, I am getting excited for home school and that DBall has only one month left of public school. I hope it goes wonderfully and we both enjoy it and can keep with it. Also I found out at Church today that Sis. Lazarte (in our ward) homeschools also.

Alright I need to get back to the bedroom- B is falling asleep watching the news!


Anonymous said…
I am seriously envious I know I shouldn't be. my thryoid doesn't allow me ANY weight loss and its been very hard on my self esteem.

but I am very glad you are doing so well and wanted to say Keep up the good work, and get your boodie over to my blog and comment too! LOL
Ree said…
I have no idea what you are cringing about, because I think you are looking great!

Starting the homeschooling exciting! Hope you enjoy it!

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