As I wait for my hair to stop falling out

I wonder when I should let it start growing again. I really do think it'll look 43 kinds of stupid if it's all long when the short new baby hairs start growing in. But it's pretty short now, so maybe it'll stop falling out and start growing back this month (May). They said like 3-4 mos from when it started falling out, which was February near as I can tell.

I finally found a local Dr. who will purportedly prescribe Armour Thyroid. I have an appointment May 21 with Dr. Mark Olsen. I'm optimistic, I just hope I don't run out of Synthroid before then....

Alright I don't feel well today. I'm a little more concerned about the pig flu than I wanted to be, and then as though I had all the sense God gave a duck I took my child to Fun City today apparently right after an entire busload of public school kids left.....

Time for family prayer!


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