Seems like last week was pretty busy.....

I was fairly well exhausted from it, but I'm not so sure it was that busy to begin with? I lost 4 lbs last week- but I really need to get back to walking and I'm certain I'll lose more. I hate being cold though- and I can't walk outside when it's too cold because with asthma I can't breathe so well. The high yesterday was in the mid 70's, but today is only 46 (the horror). There's supposed to be a hard freeze tonight and a really hard freeze tomorrow night. It wears me out.

DBall did T4L all week, and though it's mostly review right now I think it's going alright. It takes little more than an hour for him to do 2 lessons in each 'subject' right now, but he still manages to complain periodically that he would rather lie on the couch and watch TV. And he can't fathom why I wouldn't want him watching TV during the daytime ('school hours'). I've explained more than once that just because we aren't going to public school and sitting in a desk for 7 hours a day doesn't mean we aren't still going to get an education. Bless his heart.

Friday we went to the candy shop tour. It was pretty interesting- though he went on and on for at least an hour and I know DBall and I lost interest about halfway through that. I feel sorta bad about that, but I wonder if the little man shouldn't go to groups and tell his life story occasionally or something? It is wonderful chocolate, lots of it is hand rolled and hand dipped (I can't even imagine how long that would take!) but I think he needs some other outlet. Bless his heart, also.

We found the house that we're buying. We made an offer, the seller countered and we accepted. YEEEEHAAAW! I'm so excited and relieved to be getting out of this house. I wish I could've come to like this house, but I was never able to. I did manage, here near the end, to figure out how to keep it presentably clean. But this definitely was not the house for me. I believe that when Mama ain't happy ain't nobody happy- and I've prayed and begged and cried (and carried on, ad nauseum) trying to GET happy here to no avail. Our "new house" (which is by no means brand new, it was built in 1993) is extremely similar to the home ABall & I built in Bryant 12 years ago. It needs updating and cleaning, but all the updating needs are just cosmetic. Obviously I can live with pink and blue formica counter-tops and teal carpet indefinitely if need be. But the house makes me happy on the inside- we're all looking forward to moving in. There also doesn't appear to be any mold anywhere on it (inspection within 10 days to tell for sure), which I think has made DBall and I a little ill the last 5 years in this house. I have no proof of that- but I have strong suspicions. I believe we'll all be happier and feel better this Summer when we've moved. And even better (especially if you ask DBall) is that the Wheeler's literally live down the block. We can walk to their house,and they to our's, and hopefully they won't really come to regret us moving in next door, LOL!!! There's side walks and hostas; and lilacs, bush roses, hydrangeas, azaleas- everything a girl could ask for. I'm digging up my own hostas, roses, clematis' and taking them with me. I'll need to plant day lilies (PINK ONES!!!! Oh joy oh ecstasy!!) and tulips and daffodils.... but I'm really thrilled about it. There's also what appears to be a pin oak (the ONLY tree on the property) and we're thinking we need to add a sugar maple. Also we're going to plant river birches- because they're my very favorite and the yard definitely needs them. AceBall is going to dig up his fruit trees and try to transplant them, but if not we'll just buy some 2-3 y/o fruit trees and plant them. It's going to be fabulous. And Paco will keep all the floors clean for us..... :D

So yesterday I picked up the ads for the NWA Boutique Show and sent some home with amazing Melanie to take up to Sam's (where she works- all day every day). I tried to take some to the movie theater when we went last night but they said I needed to contact their corporate office in Memphis. Give me a break- but I shall do it. Since we have General Conference today I cannot take any up to the Church or to anyone specific at the Church. I'll take some to TreeHouse I think next Tuesday, since this Tuesday is basically just a planning meeting at the Jones Center. Oh- we saw Monsters vs. Aliens in Rogers last night. The boys both really enjoyed it, but somehow I fell asleep 2-3 times in the middle of it?! I had made homemade pizza/dough yesterday, stopped at the store for rootbeer and candy.... but really I didn't wear myself out or anything. So I dunno why I'm so tired- it's getting kind of tedious though.

This coming Thursday is the Easter Egg Hunt (with E3) at Flor's house in Bella Vista. ABall works Thursday night, but the 3 of us are leaving for AL for Easter when he gets home from work (and gets showered) Friday morning bright and early. Hopefully we'll get through Little Rock/NLR after Friday morning rush hour.

Alright I've got to go play monopoly with the fam now. tata for now!


Ree said…
new house plans!? Sounds exciting. Good luck with everything and enjoy your easter.

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