I'm here to tell ya',

that whole library holding issue, is a much bigger deal than I ever would've imagined. Ever. I printed out the email, and when I went to pick up the book they were holding for me I mentioned that I just wanted them to be aware that while they only hold books for 4 days, their voice messages and emails state a full week. She proceeded to inform me that the voice message was automated (I said 'not when they call me- it's an actual person I ask questions and they talk back to me') NEVERTHELESS Ma'am, those are automated messages. Apparently different libraries have different rules about how long they will hold a book you've requested. I said either way I didn't really care, it's really not THAT big of a deal, I have just requested the 3-4 same books FOUR TIMES now and each time they say they will hold it for a full week yet when I come to get it, it is not there. They've sent it back to Timbuktu, and I have to re-request it and wait weeks longer. REPEATEDLY. She reassured me that they have no control over it, the computer decides what to send back where and when. There's nothing they can do about it. I reassured her that for CERTAIN there's nothing *I* can do about it, and they either need to hold the books as long as they claim they will, or change the messages. She continues to reassure me that the computer controls all of these things- the humans have zero input or control over it. I asked if there's a computer I need to speak to about this issue that I had no idea was such a big deal, and eventually the "supervisor" shows up to "deal with me".

I reiterate that I am not actually upset, I was just confused and all I need to know, when they call or email me, is when they want me to come pick up that book so they don't keep sending them back and I have to keep requesting them over and over and over again. She wonders over how odd it is that the voicemails state a full week, when it's an automated message that contacts EVERYONE and it actually only states "2 days". I reassure her that it's a real live human being because I have spoken to them and they ahve responded before even- so it is definitely not automated (I mean, I generally tell everyone I'm 29 years old, but in reality I'm almost 40 years old. I've been around long enough to identify a computer voice on the phone for heaven sakes!). Supervisor looks into my account and states,"Oh, apparently our autmoated system is unable to contact you for some reason, so it's an actual library staff individual that's been calling you when your books come in" (DUH!!!! I just said that- but I smile sweetly and let that pass). She asks if it will be okay if I receive NO PHONE MESSAGES and get email messages only (for all three library accounts, mine, DBall and ABall). I agree that will be fabulous, as I will print those out as well. She decides to add her email address to my account(s) so that she will receive any emails I do, and can track them better that way. HALLELUJAH.

So after all that, we went to Jim's for lunch then to the tire bale house fieldtrip activity. I didn't love it- and hope I never have to live in either a straw bale or tire bale home. Ever. (they have both- they built the straw bale house to live in 5 years ago, now they're finishing up the tire bale house and hope to move into it in 4-5 months).

I have to go lie down now. I did manage to get an appointment with the thyroid Dr. who will hopefully give me Armour and raise it to my own prescribed level that keeps my hands and feet from going numb with cold.


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