wake up- done
eat breakfast- done
scriptures/prayers - half done
get dressed/shower- walk if not raining- done
return bras & green molded bread- done
pick up:
turkey sausages- done
chocolate syrup- done
straws- done
Treehouse meeting at 12:15pm- done, DBall to class at Treehouse at 12:40pm - done

Sometime in the morning:
Time 4 Learning- done
Read to Dball- nope, but ABall read to him tonight
Make dentist appointments- nope
Find thyroid/family Dr. and make appointment - nope
call for another sample N-ring - done
pay Celeste for T4L and kennel- done

So the day wasn't a total wash. And I made pizza roll-ups for dinner, which DBall refused to eat. He just had the standard jam & bread instead. He requested the pizza roll-ups (they sounded good to him on the surface....) but then he couldn't force himself to taste them.

I also returned a couple books to the library,not sure why they were due today (our normal "library day" is Wednesday....) but there ya' go. I do seem to feel compelled to support our local library with donations every other month or so, but I'm trying to cut back just now. I've requested several books repeatedly from said library, and they never have them when I go to retrieve them. The emails and voicemails I receive from them always indicate that they will "hold them for one week". Since I go to the library every Wednesday, I always think to myself,"I will pick those up on Wednesday". They are never there when I go in and ask for them! Of course by then I've forgotten the titles and the woman at the desk has to look them up again and re-request them. Last week I went to pick up a book, and the woman said it wasn't there. I told her I had received a voicemail on Friday, and it was only Wednesday, so wh y was it not there? She informed me that they only hold them for 4 days!!! I assurred her repeatedly that the messages I receive claim they will be there for "one week". She couldn't understand that, but insisted they would only hold them for 4 days. I received an email notice Monday (yesterday) that clearly states it will be held for a week, and I need to pick it up by 05/04/09. I printed this out to take up there with me tomorrow.

Springdale Public Library                         04-27-09
405 S. Pleasant
Springdale, AR 72764

Angie Coleman

The material you have on hold is available at the library.
It will be held for a week. Please call the library if you
no longer need it. Thanks!

AUTHOR: Dekker, Ted,
TITLE: Infidel
CALL NO: Dekker, Ted
BARCODE: 34224650357995
LOCATION: Lincoln YA Fiction
PICKUP AT: Springdale BY: 05-04-09

It seems pretty clear to me, but one of us needs to figure out what our deal is. If they're only going to hold them for 4 days, they need to change their messages and emails. It's been SO frustrating.

So tomorrow should be another busy day. We have library, Jim's and that field trip to the tire bale house. Not sure if we're playing somewhere after that or not. I've had an increasingly bad migraine all day, and kind of think I need to go to bed early maybe? I likely won't, I can only sleep 6 hours at a time regardless of how tired I am or how bad my head hurts. I'm thinking the unproductive meeting at Treehouse today may have contributed to my aching head. Somehow I thought we were going to decide a number of things- but at least ONE thing- but none of that happened. I am no better informed and things are no better organized than they were yesterday. I'm hoping for the best though, really.

Also tomorrow I need to contact that dental office and make appointments for D and I. Also those two local physicians who will prescribe Armour and decide which one will work for me. That's being carried over from today's list....


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