I have never enjoyed mornings. Ever. But since surgery, I think I may enjoy them even less. I have to take my thyroid meds before anything else(can't remember why). Then I try to eat breakfast. I'm almost always nauseated from breakfast- no matter what I eat. If I eat too fast, too much, or the wrong thing I'm especially ill. It lingers on for quite some time- hours sometimes. I'm supposed to spend 20 minutes eating 1 egg and half a piece of toast. Could be I'm eating too fast- but I just cannot drag out 1scrambled egg and half a piece of toast for 20 minutes? Oh, I'm also not supposed to drink anything within half an before or after eating. Nor while I'm eating. So 30 mintues after finishing said breakfast, I start taking my meds. One at a time, of course. The magic pouch is only the size of an egg- and I need liquid to swallow each pill of course. This, too,takes at least half an hour. I could take them faster, but they'd sit at the top ...