So excited!

For several years I've heard of people doing "Resurrection Easter Eggs" for Family Home Evening. We don't actually DO FHE very often at all, though I really wish we did. What with B's night time work schedule and all, we've neglected to make it work for us. But I digress.

I googled Resurrection Easter Egg FHE and found it. The same person who posted it where I found it (at scribd, I believe) also listed her blog!! Here it is: Chocolate on my Cranium. It includes some homeschooling stuff (w00t!) as well as additional FHE lessons I can download, print out and use. This is SO FABULOUS for me, as I was thinking of asking for a FHE booklet where it contains already made up FHE lessons/activities/layouts for Christmas anyway. I went to her blog, and her top entry was "Easter All Week Long". I wish I had seen it sooner- we could've started 2-3 days ago. As it is, we may have to do it all in one day? Maybe at Nana's Saturday night? Nana?? :D .I'm so excited I can hardly stand it!

Alright, I've got to assemble my Easter Eggs for the lesson I've already printed out. YeeeHaaaw!!!


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