I'm so excited!

We had the inspection today and it went really well. There's a few minor things that need repairing, we're hoping the seller will repair them and that will be that. We are set to close the first week of May- and then we can LEAVE THIS PLACE. :D Yeeehaaaaw! First we're going to paint everything (all the walls) taupe. And clean everything, especially the carpets. THEN we're going to MOVE IN. I'm beyond thrilled!

Today we walked around the 'new neighborhood' for 15-20 minutes. Then this afternoon D and I walked to the park. D actually roller skated there. He was hot and sweaty by the time we were halfway back home, but I figure it's good for him. If the child can't walk two miles without being exhausted he needs more regular exercise. And after two weeks of barely any exercise at all for me, I'm relieved to have gotten our walking in today. The new neighborhood has SIDEWALKS- another reason I'm anxious to get over there.

Alright I feel badly. I'm SO TIRED,but thankfully my head hasn't hurt all week. After a month of my head hurting all day every day- I've had 3-4 days with NO HEADACHE! Also I've had zippy little pains through my stomach all evening. Not sure what that's about.


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