Silver Dollar City + a New Week

So last Thursday our HomeSchool group went to the Titanic Museum in Branson (I thought it was a little lengthy myself, but interesting) and then we went to World Fest at Silver Dollar City. DBall was really wanting to ride the water rides (where you get sopping wet) but it was only 65° outside (if memory serves) and it sounded like a really unsavory idea to me. There were people riding the river raft-type ride, but I just thought they must've been completely devoid of common sense or something.

We did ride D's all time favorite ride The Flooded Mine, the roller coaster Thunderation (DBall's 'favorite roller coaster'- he rode twice). I'm thinking I should've ridden Fire-in-theHole and the PowderKeg, but Celeste made me ride the Giant Swing. It was a horrible experience all the way through and shant be repeated ever again. Somehow I actually got a migraine from it- though I'm not certain how that happened. The description mentions going through some barn doors- but I didn't see any barn doors. I tried it with my eyes closed, but I also didn't see the doors when I had my eyes open. For the record, the ride is no better with either your eyes closed or open. I was fairly certain I was going to die no matter how I went through the ride- in spite of Celeste's helpful hints to breathe on the way down and her maniacal laughing throughout the entire ride. :) I lived through it obviously, but doubt I'm any better off for it. DBall of course refused outright to go anywhere near it. I should've stuck with him on this one. We have season passes so I'm certain we'll go back at least 4 more times this year, probably a lot more.

I'm really excited that the temperatures are supposed to be almost up to 80°f this week with littel rain in sight. I really enjoy walking my two miles every day, but with asthma, allergies and wheezing when the temp falls below 50° or so it's been difficult. Wednesday through weekend the lows don't even fall below 55°, so we definitely ought to be able to get some exercise in. Poor DBall gets exhausted when we just walk to the park, we usually have to stop and rest and play while we're there before he can make the trip home. And by the time we get home he's all but worn out. Hopefully by the end of this Summer he will be able to go 2+ miles without being so tired- bless his heart. I figure if I can make it, he should certainly be able to make it. Also soccer will start up again eventually, and the first few weeks are always so rough for him because the coach has to run them so hard to get them into shape again. Hopefully walking throughout the Summer will have him in better condition by the time soccer starts again.

We're so looking forward to ABall starting his Mail Carrier position. It will take a little getting used to, especially him being in bed every night instead of just on the weekends (where it's sort of been like a slumber party every weekend.....). It will be nice to go to bed early, get up early and get him breakfasted and off to work, then DeuceBall and I can do our thing during the day as well as chores and friends without worry of waking AceBall. Also it'll be fun for him to come home from work, stay up for the restof the night, do family things/activities/dinner in the evenings! AND we'll be able to have the missionaries over for dinner every month. I think there will not be any drawbacks to the position change really- once we get used to the new schedule it will all be good.


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