We've been praying and hoping for so long, and ABall was finally offered a mail carrier position here in town. NO MORE MIDNIGHT SHIFTS!!!!! He'll work during the daytime,and sleep at home with us every night!! It will be so much healthier for him- and better for us all, all around. HALLELUJAH!!!

He will have to go "part-time flex" again, and we have no idea how long that will last. We're hoping of course the he will go full-time ASAP, but there's no guarantee. As PTF he may work days/week, fewer than 40 hours /week sometimes, different hours and days off in any given week..... but we can deal with this. :) He will be out of the plant, not having to deal with lots of nonsense. He will have 'regular' hours which will be such a relief after all these years.

YAY!!! I'm so excited!


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